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China Syndrome (Powerpop post-fun punk-pop from Vancouver): China Syndrome, The ...

Sat. September 23rd 2017 Logan's Pub Victoria BC

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China Syndrome (Powerpop post-fun punk-pop from Vancouver): China Syndrome, The Tower of Dudes, RADCO

All the way from Vancouver BC, China Syndrome is coming over to steal your women...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Sat. September 23rd 2017 + Add to Calendar Logan's Pub (No Minors)
9:30pm  Doors at: 9:00pm


China Syndrome
Rockin' melodic powerpop from Vancouver BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
The Tower of Dudes
from Victoria BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
ROCK from Victoria BC
since circa 2011

Event Description

All the way from Vancouver BC, China Syndrome is coming over to steal your women, increase real-estate prices, and rock you senseless.

They will be assisted by the kitty-lovin`, matching suit wearing, candy distributing outfit known locally as RADco.

Also, starting off the night, Victoria`s second worst named band and local amateur armature-acrobatic troupe Tower of Dudes.

(Let it be known that 2 out of 3 of these bands contain women, which makes the overall female member ratio 4/13th ass-kickin` lady)

Doors at 9.

9:30 - Tower of Dudes
10:30 - RADco
11:30 - China Syndrom (Vancouver)


Logan's Pub
1821 Cook Street
Bar / Nightclub
Closed / Inactive

Event Poster

China Syndrome (Powerpop post-fun punk-pop from Vancouver): China Syndrome, The Tower of Dudes, RADCO @ Logan's Pub Sep 23 2017 - Feb 7th @ Logan's Pub

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