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The Unfaithful Servants, The Faux Paws

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The Unfaithful Servants, The Faux Paws

Double bill with The Unfaithful Servants (Vic) + The Faux Paws (PNW) for this do...
Event is live streamed / online.Event can be attended in person In-Person + Livestream
8:00pm - 10:30pm  Doors at: 7:00pm $30 advance/ $35 door / $15 live stream


The Unfaithful Servants
from Victoria BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
The Faux Paws

Presented by:

The Rogue Folk Club
The Rogue Folk Club is a registered non-profit Society in th...
3214 West 10th Avenue Vancouver BC
Open / Operational

Event Description

Double bill with The Unfaithful Servants (Vic) + The Faux Paws (PNW) for this double bill show!

The Unfaithful Servants have quickly gained a reputation in Western Canada as a must-see act. With an original and exciting approach to traditional music, the group serves up explosive instrumentals, compelling story-telling and high powered vocals. Formed in the fall of 2017 and with critically acclaimed performances under their belt (Vancouver Island MusicFest, Salmon Arm Roots & Blues, The Islands Folk Festival) and a 2020 Canadian Folk Music Award nomination (New Group of The Year) they continue to build upon that buzz.

The Servants are working on new music and a new chapter, including two new members Quin Etheridge-Pedden (fiddle) & Louis Rudner (bass) joining original members Dylan Stone (vocals/ guitar) and Jesse Cobb (mandolin). After four long years since their last album, the band is poised to push the limits of their capabilities in the Canadian musical landscape.


From raging fiddle tunes, to saxophone solos and unrequited love songs, the music of The Faux Paws would be hard to pin down with standard genre descriptions. The trio’s contagious groove, and feel-good melting pot folk music has been honed over 10 years of playing together, and is the sound of three close friends (two are brothers), who feel a musical kinship that transcends any stylistic limitations. After nearly a decade of music making, the bi-coastal trio have released their self-titled debut album “The Faux Paws” released in 2021 and their 2023 EP “Backburner”.

Brothers Andrew and Noah VanNorstrand grew up playing contra dance music with their musician mother in the band Great Bear. Chris Miller grew up in Florida, and he was enamoured with bluegrass, and studied jazz before going on to play with GRAMMY nominated Cajun-country band The Revelers.

Since meeting in 2012, the trio have toured across North America several times, sometimes under the name The Faux Paws, sometimes as part of other larger ensembles. It may have taken The Faux Paws 10 years to make their debut album, but those years have clearly not gone to waste. Now, with an experimental but cohesive vision, the trio brings together seemingly unrelated musical elements into one joyful and distinctive collection, deeply rooted in the raw humanity of folk dance and music traditions.



Mel Lehan Hall at the St. James Community Square
3214 W 10th Ave
Open / Operational

Event Poster

The Unfaithful Servants, The Faux Paws @ Mel Lehan Hall at the St. James Community Square Jan 26 2024 - Feb 17th @ Mel Lehan Hall at the St. James Community Square

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