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June 25 Creosote (arizona, ec contreavene) Eleutheros, ISKRA, blood nasty
Message Board > Show Reviews > June 25 Creosote (arizona, ec contreavene) Eleutheros, ISKRA, blood nasty
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Creosote- from arizona, with mmembers on Contravene)

Eleutheros- edmonton anarcho

ISKRA- blackened crust

Blood Nasty- stenchcore

June 25 @ sunset room, VEGAN POTLUCK!

Door price TBA 6:30pm - Mon, 11 Jun 2007 7:03pm
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Bah, I wish I could be here for this... - Mon, 11 Jun 2007 7:05pm
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fucking rights!

wish mutiny and leper could play. ah well. - Tue, 12 Jun 2007 5:01am
Leo Bondage
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cool im coming - Tue, 12 Jun 2007 10:55am
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Bump! - Wed, 13 Jun 2007 1:44am
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I also wish mutiny and leper could play - Wed, 13 Jun 2007 10:39pm
Leo Bondage
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Blood Nasty is cool. - Sat, 16 Jun 2007 10:20am
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Distros include

S.H.A.C. (Stop Huntington Animal Cruelty) Canada (t-shirts, animal rights lit.)

Wrath Collective (feminist anarchist stuff and bike stuff)

Hierkill (anarcho, crust, and metal records, patches, cd's, and more)

Noise Not Bombs (zinbe distro radical materials.

The show is $6, but if you bring food for the vegan potluck it is $1 off. - Sat, 16 Jun 2007 11:59pm
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bring a pot of why the frick do you even try to fight cops? noise not bombs is the equivalent of a fourth grade spelling bee failure......have fun defendning poor white trash moron...there is a reason for class divide and you represent it whole heartedly.....keep being un-educated and every else with degrees will keep beating you to a pulp...........barely grade twelve????? can you spell any word w/ two or more syllables? - Sun, 17 Jun 2007 4:26am Edited: Sun, 17 Jun 2007 4:30am
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If your grammar's so amazing, what's with all the ellipsis?
"and every else with degrees will keep beating you to a pulp"
nice grammar yourself, jackass. Last time I checked spelling wasn't needed to try to help out other human beings, I guess I just missed the memo. - Sun, 17 Jun 2007 2:04pm Edited: Sun, 17 Jun 2007 2:05pm
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this shows gonna rule. - Sun, 17 Jun 2007 4:03pm
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im probably coming,and you don't need a masters degree to be a good person, mybassisbetterthanyours,jackass - Sun, 17 Jun 2007 4:27pm
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thanks for the bump, so what degree do you have?
personally there will be a lot of people really stoked for this show, it is some super kool bands, and good food, so if you are not into that, then don't come. either way thanks for the bump dustin - Sun, 17 Jun 2007 5:25pm
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lol ud think if this guy was so sure of his beliefs that he might have the guts to post under his real login. what a joke. - Sun, 17 Jun 2007 5:38pm
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comparing noise not bombs to a 4th grade spelling bee dosent make any sense what so ever, but after i write youll have a cleaver comment to say like " HA WHAT ARE YOU A FAG OR SOMETHING YOUR SO DUMB" but sucks

this show is gonna be so awsome

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P.S i know its spelt wrong - Sun, 17 Jun 2007 6:19pm
Leo Bondage
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I'm not a commie,or a high school graduate. Dropping out is super cool.

But I'm coming. - Mon, 18 Jun 2007 8:01am
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school sucks, communism is flawed, and this show is gonna rule. - Mon, 18 Jun 2007 1:52pm
Leo Bondage
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well yeah but everything is flawed right? Not that I'm supporting anything.

Yeah blood nasty is gonna be cool. - Mon, 18 Jun 2007 4:08pm
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does iskra have a different singer or something? cause i saw the lead singer in thriftys while i was at work...if so thats really to bad cause he owns everyone - Mon, 18 Jun 2007 6:12pm
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Scott still does vocals.

Brett from leper plays bass and does some vocals too. - Mon, 18 Jun 2007 7:09pm
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wow tyler..i didnt know you were bolshevist skum. jk. tee hee. - Tue, 19 Jun 2007 6:47pm
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bump - Wed, 20 Jun 2007 8:49pm
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this is wolf here from Hierarkill, the group putting on this show. For those unaware: Creosote is a really great anarchist band from Flagstaff Arizona. Iskra just played a couple of shows with them during our most recent tour and I have to say they were one of the best acts that we had the privilege of performing with. Anyone who comes to see will not be disappointed! You can check em out at: although these recordings are far less intense than their live show, they'll give you a good idea of where they are coming from musically. They're a six piece with double guitars and double female vocals that sound insane! Your support will be greatly appreciated as this is a Monday show and the band is on tour.

Eluetheros is also on tour; I managed to persuade them to play this show since they are also playing the "Smash the Sausage Fest" in Vancouver on the 29th(a festival celebrating women in music). if you don't know them, they're a sweet anarchopunk band from Edmonton that run in the vein of such greats as Flux of Pink Indians, Poison Girls and other Crass era groups. As already mentioned, there will be the potluck dinner so come and hang out with the bands and eat! Everyone is welcome, especially the young. I urge those who wish to drink to keep booze away from the venue as this is one of our last ones. Luckily the organization are giving us another chance so lets respect our space! Drink down the road or something. Thanks! - Wed, 20 Jun 2007 10:10pm Edited: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 10:22pm
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I've heard amazing things about creosote, i'm looking forward to seeing them.

Eleutheros is an amazing band!!!! - Thu, 21 Jun 2007 1:16pm
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i like magic cards - Fri, 22 Jun 2007 10:46am
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I like them more - Fri, 22 Jun 2007 11:18am
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i just got my frst deck today oh yah....bump - Fri, 22 Jun 2007 3:12pm
Leo Bondage
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sick ty, i have a black deck, i also got a fire mix water deck. We should duel.
-cordie out - Fri, 22 Jun 2007 5:55pm
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u know u want mbl to open this show ;) - Fri, 22 Jun 2007 10:04pm
Leo Bondage
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mbl is better than the other bands,blood nasty is sick too though. Both great, iskras pretty dece.

ps. not coming sorry, I gotta work. - Fri, 22 Jun 2007 11:31pm
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other poster - Sat, 23 Jun 2007 12:13am
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stoked as fucking mad!!!!

this is gonna be off the hook.

eleutheros RULE - Sat, 23 Jun 2007 1:42am
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i dunno about being better than these bands but for once we'd get to play with bands that share some of the same views.

it's going to be a sick show, ill be there if our recording sesh is a flail. - Sun, 24 Jun 2007 12:57pm
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andrew you better fucking go to this show

i hope the distros are good cause i gotta a whole lot of money ready to burn - Sun, 24 Jun 2007 3:48pm Edited: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 3:49pm
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distros will be sweet.... and andrew I will get you to play a show soon with some bands that have similar views... I like MBL cause you guys put effort into your band. - Sun, 24 Jun 2007 8:54pm
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sweet conrad thats why i like NOISE NOT BOMBS. U do a hell of a lot of work non profit for a cause.

yea jeff i fully expect our recording to be canceled it usualy is lol. - Sun, 24 Jun 2007 9:02pm Edited: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 9:07pm
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this is wolf again here. andrew: you should get MBL to come and open the show with a short set. if you're interested let me know.
w. - Sun, 24 Jun 2007 9:29pm
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Hey just to clear this up, I am not the one putting this show on, I will be distroing, and I will help in any way needed, as much as I can, but Wolf and Danni have done all the work to put this together, and I should not get credit for this one, as it was all them... Beleive me I would have loved to be able to say I did this, but I will be happy just getting to see these great bands! and I am really stoked to get finally see sam, as I missed her when I was in edmonton as she was in hospital in calgary awaiting a bone marrow transplant. she and all of eleutheros are such amazing people, as is iskra, all are people I concider great freinds.
alsop really stoked to see creosote, 2 female singers! - Sun, 24 Jun 2007 11:09pm
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here is their other vocalist - Sun, 24 Jun 2007 11:10pm Edited: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 11:11pm
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did any one mention their a 6 peice? - Sun, 24 Jun 2007 11:21pm
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with the drummer from cotnravene - Sun, 24 Jun 2007 11:22pm
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apparently their is 8 people and 5 dogs coming.... Crazy stuff.
conrade works his ass off, and he gets things done, I have a lot of respect for that. anyhow, this is gonnna rule. - Mon, 25 Jun 2007 11:04am
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Danni and I as well as the people from the MOVE HOUSE are putting this show on! It doesn't really matter but I thought I'd better say that its not just Danni and I. We all worked hard to get the word out, as did Conrad, and I'm sure it will be a great show! those involved please bring whatever money you can scrounge up to throw into the pot for the bands just in case! - Mon, 25 Jun 2007 11:16am
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also free workshop tomorow, on animal rights and direct action, at darkhorse books 5pm, put on by shac. - Mon, 25 Jun 2007 4:35pm
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awesome show!! i'm glad wolf/dani broke even, and the bands got paid, and were totally awesome too!!! - Tue, 26 Jun 2007 12:44am
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This show was amazing, one of the best I have ever been too!
The thing was more like a ffair than a show, with all the distro tables there was barely room to move, and I got so many sweet CD's as well as finally getting a eleutheros t-shirt.... can't wait to see them again already.
It was nice to go to a show I was not setting up!
Creosote totally blew me away as well, and I loved iskra with Bret singing...
And Blood Nasty were really tight that night too, they were a perfect choice for an opener...
Wish creosote could have had merch I would have loved a back patch, they were so nice too....
also good to see lots of dancing at the show, I think I hurt my shoulder keeping people from running into the bands, dancing is great, brings good energy, but people need to mind their space a bit, and NOT TRY TO RAM FORWARD constantly, cause when you hit the band it can really fuck stuff up.

p.s.-evry one come to the workshop tonight 5pm at darkhorse books - Tue, 26 Jun 2007 12:24pm
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We want to thank everyone for coming out and supporting the DIY scene. we weren't sure how it would go over on a Monday but had to try so Creosote could play and I must say we were amazed at the level of support! The show itself went really smooth with everyone respecting the space and keeping it tight. Thanks to the drinkers who understood that they should not drink by the venue for fear of losing it again, thanks! Also a big high five to everyone who postered for the show! we all did a good job making sure they were always out there and I think it made all the difference! The Hierarkill distro did very well and so we'll be doing a new order for the July 1st show! Due to a solid turnout we made 380 dollars and were able to pay the bands 100 (Eluetheros)and 150(Creosote) and also able to cover our costs(a few of us also chipped in our own cash to bring it up a bit). Cheers! there were a lot of photos taken by JayPress so hopefully we get to see some soon! - Tue, 26 Jun 2007 12:49pm
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that was one hell of a fun show. eleutheros was great, though i managed to rip my arm open about 2 songs into the set, so i wasnt really in the pit. cuz you know,some people may not appreciate my blood on them - Tue, 26 Jun 2007 12:49pm
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Such an amazing show, it was awesome that it happened. cant wait to see all the bands play again!! - Tue, 26 Jun 2007 1:20pm
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i've said this before but i dont really care..THIS is the best show i've been to in victoria yet
creosote was fucking riduculous deffinatley the higlight of the night..thank to the young woman running the distro table for the free patch THAT RULED um yah...iskra needs to play a longer set...thats the only thing that would have made this even better - Tue, 26 Jun 2007 4:30pm
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that was a really really good show. can't remember the last all-ager that was that much fun. i missed blood nasty unfortunately, but eleutheros, creosote and iskra were all completely awesome. the distro tables were great, cheers to everyone who brought all those great albums, books and patches. made me happy to see all the young kids there enjoying the music too (and maybe even learning some things from the distro tables). wish i could have been that cool at that age. - Tue, 26 Jun 2007 8:27pm Edited: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 8:38pm
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oh just one things...i would be much accrepiated if people took of there fucking "punker" jackets when there dancing..i like to dance hard but getting fat cuts on my arms isint very sweet...well maybe people think suffering is sweet...

yo and id also like to see another i guess like...discussion thing? at the benefit show for sam wolf and the drummer from iskra both talked about anarcho bands and it was really interesting...punk rock question/answer/discussion period is needed!!
tyty out - Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:24pm
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I am looking at setting some thing up kinda like that in september, at the anarchist book fair, with some members of resist and exist, maybe some other people too as guests, and of cource the other band members of the other bands. - Wed, 27 Jun 2007 2:45am
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pretty good show

blood nasty - ruled, record something all ready
eleutheros - ruled as usaul, only bad part was one of chicks from that arizona band sat down in the pit which was a terrible idea, im surprised no one fell over her and fucked shit up hella
creosote - i didnt watch not my kinda music, but i loved what the singer had to say "you guys need to give people there space, i mean i had to sit down to feel safe" fucking bullshit if you ask me
iskra - i missed but were probably good

awsome distro i got some sweet comps including a japanse thrash/grind/death comp called blastnight i recommend to anyone who likes fast as shit japanse grind. - Wed, 27 Jun 2007 4:11pm
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i agree with the whole no studded jackets thing, i always take mine off so i dopnt shred people up, i eded up getting my arm ripped open because somebody was wearing theres...annoying - Wed, 27 Jun 2007 7:00pm
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Yeah I do agree about the jackets too, and I think that people need to realize the pit is a plce to go have fun, dance, get pumped and all, but it is also a place for every one, and there is no need to prove any thing. you should not go in to hurt people. people do get hurt in the pit, but there is a difference between an injury by accident, and an injurry cause some one was trying to be rough.
I also think that people should try and be conciouse about their space in the pit, relax have fun, but the people constantly ramming to the front need to realize their ramming people into the bands, and I have seen teeth get chipped from mics, nose bleeds from mics, people getting knocked into the drums and badly hurt... The bands barely had enough room to play in, not cause there was dancing, but causse some of the people that were dancing were ramming the front. I also saw people trying to hit hard with their elbows (not accidentally hitting people while slamming, but purposely swinging their elbows at head level as hard as they could) this shit is how people get hurt.
I would also like to specailly thank Myka, as he did a lot of work to keep people from flying into the bands, and it is work. It dose kinda suck to have to do that and not be able to get into the band 100% cause you are making sure some drunk kids don't hit the singer by accident cause they are ramming the front line. As well I fucked up my left shoulder again by stying to do that the whole show long, and now it will be a few weeks before I can do some of my martial arts, thats kinda annoying.
I love when people dance, just please make sure to not ram the front, and don't go into the pit to hurt people, go in to dance, and if people get hurt, that happens. And make sure to pick people up when they fall.

I am sure most of you know this already, but then again I see people constantly doing these things at shows, and usually soon as a band mentions some thing about it, they stop.
sry for the bad spelling. - Wed, 27 Jun 2007 8:02pm
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im a pretty big guy and i get fucked up in pits with a lot of the harder core bands thats one of the reasons i dont go to them as much as i probably would (had to record this time but wanted to see the elutheros). The bands should keep mentioning things about it and maybe we can change it. It'd defiantely make things a bit more inviting to people. seems liek a lot of people are on the edge of getting into going to more shows (that i've talked to) but there's just certain things that they dont go because of..the whole point is to get people to come out to the shows right?? lets not put up with that shit anymore. - Wed, 27 Jun 2007 10:33pm Edited: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 10:35pm
Leo Bondage
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you guys! - Sun, 1 Jul 2007 8:52pm
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