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Garry Oak Room April 28 BBQ FEST
Message Board > Show Reviews > Garry Oak Room April 28 BBQ FEST
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Leo Bondage
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Alright I had a good time. I worked my ass off, still got shit, people ignored me,lossed tons of money...but you know I had fun. ALL the bands played awsome, sorry to the Shivs(thanks for the cd it fucking shreds), I did all I could to keep it going. I had tons of fun playing too, althought near to the end no one was there. I really don't care, it was cool. I didnt drink either which mad ecleaning up easier, and now I'm here ditched the after parties to sit in my (thrashed)underware and play cs. fuck yes!

Thanks to EVERYONE who helped me out in any way there were alot of you,and thanks to everyone maitaining the bbq! fuck you headliner muffins, you arn't punx rox you're all dicks, and homeless people can suck it.
had fun review on! - Sat, 28 Apr 2007 11:18pm
Hang the DJ
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Thanks for putting on the show.

Cyborg Justice made my life.

Yeahhh awesome.... that's all I have to say.

-Peter's neighbour - Sat, 28 Apr 2007 11:36pm
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i was pretty stoked on this show..laxitives were pretty gnarly, lame that no one had bothered to come yet. thrashmadonna, i thought we played alright...the HYCOPRITS were fucking intense...negative youth ruled for 3 people. dtbs was basically just noise cause we havent jammed in a while,mbl and rf were both good, the shivs were really fucking good, sucks that it got cut short. - Sun, 29 Apr 2007 12:02am
beev jak
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Thanks to all that showed up, Thanks to cordell for putting on the show,....we did get cut short but realistically we only had 2 songs left on our set list.
But as for those fuckers that ignore the promoter and the dudes who own the building, FUCKIN GRAB A BRAIN, KEEP DOING STUPID SHIT AND YOU WONT HAVE ANY VENUES!!!, i dunno... when i left dudes were lighting paper towel on fire................retards
ok, i am done
Beev Jak
The shivs - Sun, 29 Apr 2007 1:17am Edited: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 1:18am
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I went to the fernwood show, sorry, but it was cool when tyler akis and kids showed up there - Sun, 29 Apr 2007 4:25am
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the show was pretty radical like cordie said know one wathced but it was fun anyways i still dont understand why people ont watch bands..isint that the whole point of a show? - Sun, 29 Apr 2007 8:34am
Leo Bondage
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thanks bros!

But If anyones sees a Sony PSP i na blue case can you give erik a call 708 0200, someone ripped apart his whole bag. If you know of any of this shit please try and get it back to him!

ps. someone jacked my hycoprits cd! - Sun, 29 Apr 2007 10:29am
Reece oi
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best show everrrr all the good bands played and i jammed with 2/3 of wayne...negative youth which was cool even though we couldnt play the song to well and i smashed jons geeetar which was neeto laxatives didnt play very well but every band rocked cyborg justice played really well and suck i missed the shivs - Sun, 29 Apr 2007 11:14am
Zombie Jesus
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twas a fun show, even though I didnt show up til like 6:30.I was outside for Cyborg Justice..felt like shit, but I caught most of the other bands.DTBS was pretty cool. Rottenfiends were sweet, I loved mind between the lines, the degenerated cover ruled. Shivs were pretty cool, tho I left early to catch my bus. OH, and the chicken wings were awesome, hooray for bbq! - Sun, 29 Apr 2007 2:07pm Edited: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 2:08pm
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well, the show was intersting.....

all the bands played well, even thought there was maybe 3-10 kids per band

i dont know if the garry oak room is lost, but if it is thank you to all the fucking idots out side NOT watching the bands and drinking out side even thought cordel told people not too, its a pretty big joke when people come and just party outside and dont care for watching bands play. and it made me sad to see some people so drunk they either got into fights or had to leave, if come to an all ages show come for the music not to get drunk and be a moron

thanks for everyone that had fun watching the bands and for cordel for putting on the show and being a good promoter - Sun, 29 Apr 2007 2:53pm
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yea moderate drinking is okay if no1 can see you do it....go in the bathroom or seomthing.....

props to cordell - Sun, 29 Apr 2007 4:41pm
Leo Bondage
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cheers bros!
and yeha agreed i want to keep putting shows on at these venues...damn headliner muffins. - Sun, 29 Apr 2007 8:24pm
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did you seriously just ruin another venue? - Sun, 29 Apr 2007 8:41pm
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lets stop promoting shows well have better people come out to them
fuck homeless punks
fuck "headliner muffins"
fuck that sketchy rory guy
i only will give props to the bands because there the only people who watched eachtoehr play
fuck we just are trying to put on shows and get a"Scene" happening and were just wasting it
this is pretty fucked up
....can we play a harcore show..theres no drinking there - Sun, 29 Apr 2007 9:37pm
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I don't think we ruined the venue, but the lack of people interested in the music definitely rendered this show lame as fuck, and I can assure you we were doing whatever we could to keep things under control... it's just kind of hard when certain groups of fucking useless psuedo-punk shitheads insist on using the area near an all-ages show as somewhere to "party". As Tyler said, I very much wish we could play hardcore shows... the amount of drinking that inevitably occurs at ours regardless of what we try to do about it is fucking pathetic. - Sun, 29 Apr 2007 10:01pm
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"did you seriously just ruin another venue?"

fuck off xtylerx you werent there cordel was doing a GREAT job telling people not to drink.

if you werent there dont fucking blame cordel - Sun, 29 Apr 2007 10:15pm
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he didnt say antyihg bad
i hoping people will finally understand we need help and telling us were peices of shit who are ruining the vic music isint gonna help
it might make u feel cool but yah if your jsut gonna tell us we suck then your a one taught us how to put on shows,and when u learn shit gets fucked yah the lesson of this is i doubt theres gonna be any shows for a long time and this sucks so if theres anyone else out there whos down with sick sick bands who are actually soooo good and want to give them a show talk to
negative youth,cyborg justice,the laxatives,mbl,rotten fiends,thrash madonna, and no one else
fuck punk
its fucking dead
victoria killed it
...cyborg justice lives - Sun, 29 Apr 2007 10:36pm
rip skinny
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im growing my hair and bringing back grunge. - Sun, 29 Apr 2007 11:33pm
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I wasn't at this show. I was at work. And, by the sounds of it, I picked right.


Underage drinking, at least as long as I've been going to shows, has always been there. It isn't new, and it isn't this underage drinkin' that is going to get evey venue closed off to the community. Haha, I remember a show at the Garry Oak (I think it was like..The Cloak and Lyrhic Blue), and some moron drank 32 Oz. of Gin and then blacked out and got his stomach pumped. Guess what? a week later The Furios came and rocked the joint. No, drinking is not what ruins a venue. It's lack of respect. Breaking a law on property being put under contract isn't very respectful. Going to a show to be s(c)een instead of actually seeing the bands isn't very respectful.
The 'hardcore' shows don't have less drinking because of the overall sXe/youthcrew atmosphere (though I'm sure to some it is a very valid point..though I know Brian and others have booked plenty of bands that would give any drunk-punk band a run for their money), the reason it doesn't happen, VERY MUCH....THE CAFE SECTION..., is because people respect eachother, the bands, the promoter, AND the venue. What I'm trying to say is, drinking isn't a problem; attitude is. If anyone reading this feels that I am talking about them, then examine yourself and get with the program. The scene shouldn't be inbread; a small group of people.
For those of you reading this who think I'm being a big poo-head. I may be, but I think that I had something to say, and I don't think just saying "Fuck you!" to a group of kids is going to help it. I think we all, myself included, should perhaps find one message or goal that we all want to gain out of going to a show, putting one on, or play in a band, and then strive towards it, together. - Mon, 30 Apr 2007 4:02am
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I thought it was kinda funny but the four or five people who i thought would be the biggest idiots were pretty mature about it promoter being #1....there's something to be said about that.

Inbred scenes suck...its funny cause every time some1 new is around be it the 12 year old kids or the "goths" or whatever, i hear kids making fun of them. Yea ok..i don't think its all that great heaving 12 year olds running around..but hey, maybe they'll start up the next generation after us?? Maybe they'll even bring 20 of their friends and these shows will start making a profit and we can get some real P.A.'s and lights and shit.

even inter-band politics are pretty annoying. a lot of the people who speak like they're all about the scene and the music and all that just go and gossip like little girls about how some1 in some band sucks or how some1 else is a poser and thinks their playing thrash or whatever, or has no rhythem. And yea iv been guilty of being a little girl too and talking shit about other bands but im pretty much through with that shit its a waste of time WE're all posers.. dont think anyone's doing anything all that new. I'll be the first to say that my band is generic and saying the same message as so many others but thats just what it is..acool local scene would be a place where bands could get experience and have a good time to prepare them for the world where they have to be original...if people so choose to go in that direction. I know of a few bands From this age group that i totally believe will go somewhere if they get the chance. It's funny cause its usualy the band(s) that get made fun of too. Go figure eh. As for a common message or goal...I dont know..I don't think everyones really on the same page there..and if we'd be just too weird.

This is just the begining of a generation of bands and people going to shows....I'm 20 while a lot of people are 15-19 and its pretty cool to get to play shows with people who are getting at it so early. When i was that age all i did was sit around doing drugs. I'm thinkin a lot more of the older more established bands should stop being cunts and get some of us to open their shows..or headline our all agers and help us out. That means actualy watching the younger bands headliner muffins...Fuck..set up a table..Sell shirts, sell cds. Even if you're a weekend band guy with a job and a real life doesn't mean you can't come in and hang out inside for the openers and middle bands...I guess you need to drink too...Water bottles? lol

There's a lot of potential here.. Thanks to the ones that have helped out and headlined...

ok im done and my nuts hurt from being on my little high horse up there...Just my oppinion since we're all throwing those out..I know that im not perfect yea..fuck me and my country. - Mon, 30 Apr 2007 6:52am Edited: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 7:18am
Leo Bondage
User Info...
good cal lon all of you, I jsut think people should drink AWAY from the venue, you all know I dont car eif yer drunk (as long as yer not a retard or puking yer guts out). I didn't relise how hard it was to walk 20 feet off the property before, some people must need urgent leg surgery or something...
Aslo some of my buds were being fucking idiots. Not to bitch, but just cause yer my bud dosnt mean you can have sixpacks under yer coats.

As for missing all the bands and socialising out side. Go to a fucking jock party. I don't want these fuckign muffins at our shows anymore, they make all of us look like idiots. I also liek to thank the cool dudes in the older scene, like the shivs,the hoosegow,grey army definelty cool dudes....

oh and i can asure you Next show I'm gonna get tickets so no muffins have a chance of getting in without paying + wont wanna hangoutside the venue...
keep it up boys! cheers! - Mon, 30 Apr 2007 8:44am
rip skinny
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i think we should put on an improvised sludge post rock show sometime. ...ya - Mon, 30 Apr 2007 10:08am
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if people say cordell was being responsible then I believe it. sometimes it's easier to point fingers than to figure out the actual reason behind it. and I think the actual reason for what goes wrong at these shows is, just like you said, the crowd itself. I think there are a lot of punk bands in victoria who do the thing where the only bands they're into are long-dead late 70s and early 80s bands, but they like to get drunk and hang outside shows to be seen or something. am I right? maybe not. maybe kids are just stupid. but people should at least be respectful to the venue and the bands playing. sigh.

I wish I could have seen cyborg justice. I went to the indie rock show instead. - Mon, 30 Apr 2007 11:32am
Fairfield Community Association
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Due to various incidents at shows on Friday and Saturday, all future bookings of the Garry Oak Room have been suspended until further notice. - Mon, 30 Apr 2007 12:07pm
Reece oi
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well thats lame. fucking people. so are all the venues gone now except for event centre which is super expensive right and i tihnk theres one at pearkes near silver city. - Mon, 30 Apr 2007 12:44pm
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There's big fernwood too, but for fuck's sake.... now watch as we get a massive round of blame for ruining the victoria music scene yet again... - Mon, 30 Apr 2007 12:59pm
trevor corey
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In a couple of years you will all be legal age and none of this will matter to you.
Good luck figuring out this age old dilema.

Nightclubs have security, and if they can't handle a situation, then they call the cops.

Rock on youngsters! - Mon, 30 Apr 2007 2:56pm
tytyakis *at*
Messages Posted:

[email protected] for more info about punk/grind/hardcore shows in vic etc...

hey man it wasent just us the show on friday had problems too! YES WERENOT GONNA GET ALL THE BLAME
WE GOT WHITE EAGLE,big fern, why isint their like a punk rock art the 50/50 but cool - Mon, 30 Apr 2007 3:34pm
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The 50/50 *is* cool, it's the CRD and city that are decidedly not cool. That's why you see no more shows there. - Mon, 30 Apr 2007 3:39pm
Zombie Jesus
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oh fuck, we lost the goddamn garry oak room? fuck - Mon, 30 Apr 2007 4:25pm
Leo Bondage
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well isnt that just dandy...
well i have to figure out a way to get a new cheap venue that keeps away muffins...i think at capitol Iron you can get headline rmuffin replelent. - Mon, 30 Apr 2007 8:35pm
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infiltrate every highschool in victoria with posters....there's bound to be those three or four kids per 1000 that would be totally stoked.. - Mon, 30 Apr 2007 8:55pm Edited: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 8:56pm
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I'd put some in mine, but Its just me and 1 other kid who'd give a damn. - Mon, 30 Apr 2007 9:15pm
Hang the DJ
User Info...
R.I.P Garry Oak Room.

People are fully aware that these shows are at a high-risk of being shut down, or worse, of losing the venue. Why do people insist on drinking at shows and acting like total idiots? It's selfish, pointless, full-out lame and disrespectful.

Clearly these people don't give a shit about the music, and probably do just want to get "seen" at shows. - Wed, 2 May 2007 12:37am
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because most the people that are belidgerant and drink infront of these shows are not there for the music, are not part of the scene, and never pay to get in, half of them are not even from vic, and are only in town for a few weeks before they hitch off some where else. - Thu, 3 May 2007 1:17pm
Leo Bondage
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weeners eh - Thu, 3 May 2007 5:15pm
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I think Connie is saying poor people with alcohol problems and no real place to live suck. why would someone say such a thing? you be the judge. - Thu, 3 May 2007 11:58pm
Leo Bondage
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i personally think that everyone is inferier to me but...thats jus tmy opinion...and its right. follow it! - Fri, 4 May 2007 10:09am
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no no, many of the poor people with alchol problems and no jobs and such can be cool... I know some that do lots of stuff, and are super cool.
the ones who go to shows though and have nbo intention of paying, or even caring who is playing, their not cool, their assholes.
eg. My freind Laurie in edmonton has no money, drinks too much, and dosen't live any where often, but when a show come by, he panhandles the money to pay for his ticket, and drinks a few blocks away from the venue. My freind Punk Rock Dan from edmonton also drinks to much, often is close to homeless, and has no job, and he plays rancid and total chaos tunes on an accoustic guitar till he gets the money for the shows, I have not seen dan miss a show in edmonton the entire 2 years I was living there, even when he was homeless. and again he drinks till he pukes, but not right infront of the fucking venue...
However in ednmonton too, there are a lot of these drunk fuckers that go to the show with no intent of paying and drink infront of the venue, pick fights and try to sneek in. INFACT one of those edmonton fuckers is here in town right now and has caused problems at one of my shows with the whole crew that is always causing problems... - Fri, 4 May 2007 12:10pm
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why do people have to start petty arguments..its obvious what hes saying - Fri, 4 May 2007 5:14pm
Leo Bondage
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weeners eh.

next show i'm thinkign of doing tickets to avoid this problem... - Sat, 5 May 2007 8:13am
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get a rad headliner..i hear the grey army is playing now - Sat, 5 May 2007 10:23am
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I dont get it, dont you have bouncers or someone to tell these kids basically to fuck off, cuz the last time i went to a show at The Fernwood community centre some kids were fuckin out of it and threw up on the floor. stunk the whole place up. I know most bands cant afford security but once atleast have a big guy or a few guys standing at the door until you sell out or i like leo's idea about the tickets. even those fuckin raffle tickets work. If u dont have it your fucked, you cant get in. And if you reek of alcohol or look fucked up you cant come in. its your own damn fault. I dont want to be screwed over from playing shows because some fuckin teenager thinkin he is cool because he is drunk as fuck and making an ass out of himself. i am with tickets idea - Sun, 6 May 2007 1:39pm
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tickets wont do much
its not the people in the show its the people outside the show
and if they dont have a ticket they will still just hang outside the venue - Mon, 7 May 2007 12:33pm
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We should all dress up in SS uniforms with billyclubs and just beat the living fuck out of all of them. For the fatherland!

(jk..4 all the sensitive people) - Mon, 7 May 2007 10:23pm
Leo Bondage
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no joke thier i'd be sooo down for that!!!

I know Erik(pex) would fucin love that....
We need more skinheads, dan does a great job but we need more firepower.

I'm just sick of headliner muffins, we must destroy them.
mulitently - Tue, 8 May 2007 12:30am
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lol i dont think nazis and skinheads are the same thing..

we need a good shitty old venue with no neighbors... - Tue, 8 May 2007 9:10am Edited: Tue, 8 May 2007 9:12am
Leo Bondage
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oh no i never said they were i ment we need more skinheads cause they're good sucurity. - Wed, 9 May 2007 11:37am
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