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L.I.D. at STEAMERs LoLoLoLoLoLoL No way Buddy
Message Board > Show Reviews > L.I.D. at STEAMERs LoLoLoLoLoLoL No way Buddy
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Lord Cecil
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Ok holy shit,,,,,As Being an Alumni Employee of STEAMERs i cant belive how they are treating the bands down there now..The min we walked in the door we had bouncers all over us wanting ID and to SEARCH us shy of the ol rubber glove they made Terry wait outside till we would play for having no id,,,And Chuck Wagon pete there in the kitchen wouldnt make us any WINGs and Fries Yo man we r not on the plains ropin dougy,s if i wanted some chilli id go find a chuck wagon,,When Bands came in late n wanted some WINGs and Fries i fukkin made em for them even if i was closing down and hating it,,So whats this have to do with a show review,,,,We Drank every BeeR we could find in the place and came home n still had PIZZA so FuK Steamers we will see you at at LOGANS A far BETTER PUB Sat night wait it is Sat now.So thanks to Steamers for KICKIN L.I.D. out before we played.Yer PUB Sucks - Sat, 5 Aug 2006 2:38am Edited: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 2:45am
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Unbelievable. There were tons of people there to see LID and some piece-of-shit bouncer doesn't let the bass player in because he didn't have 2 pieces of ID. What do you call that guitar under his arm???? That would be enough ID for me.

Brutal, dude. The owner might want to have a word with his staff before they turn away more bar income.... - Sat, 5 Aug 2006 8:42am Edited: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 8:43am
Ty Stranglehold
User Info...
Fuckin retarded, I tells ya.

I thought the two peices of ID on everyone coming is was stupid (posted in the "Steamers Security" thread on here somewhere) and can't believe that they would pull that shit on muscicians HIRED to play the bar!?!?!

I have officially moved my stance from mere boycott, to actively trying to stop people from going there. - Sat, 5 Aug 2006 9:37am
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I don't know if it's just because I haven't had any bad experiences there yet but I have to say that I love playing Steamers. The bouncers have always been completely respectfull and cool and if they need two pieces of id to do there job, than that's what they need. You can lose your license in two seconds in this town and although it would be cool to give some leeway here and there, especially where bands are concerned at the end of the day that is their job. That's a bummer about the bass player and all and maybe the one bouncer was being a dick but I wouldn't say that is a reason not to go out and see the bands playing at Steamers. Whatever though, just an argument. - Sat, 5 Aug 2006 10:52am
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never deny L.I.D. CHICKEN WINGS - Sat, 5 Aug 2006 10:54am
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Holy Shite! I've been boycotting Steamers for months which is why I didn't go to the show. I figured there would be some kinda problems with those security dicks! - Sat, 5 Aug 2006 12:47pm
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I don't know any bars or pubs that don't allow those underage to perform. Performers whom are underage stay in a separate room and leave immediately after the show but they are still allowed to perform on stage.

The Bombasts used to be the house band at Steamers Pub for quite some time years ago and they had members at the time that weren't of age. Those members that weren't of age were dealt with in the same manner I described above. - Sat, 5 Aug 2006 12:54pm
Ty Stranglehold
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Yes, two peices of ID is the law but there is common sense involved too.
#1: I've been present when those Steamers douches sent a 55 year old man home to get secondary ID. It ridiculous. A cop walking through there will not ask a 55 year old if he has his secondary ID.

#2: I have never heard of ANY venue searching and ID'ing members of a band they have hired to play in their establishment. Not a single one. The guys in L.I.D. are in their 30's (or at the youngest lat 20's) and in no way could be confused for underage (sorry guys!).

This is nothing but a dick-move on behalf of the Steamers staff who, lets face it, don't have many punk bands playing these days. They made a point of going out of their way to be extra assholish to them.

I'll spend my money where I feel welcome. - Sat, 5 Aug 2006 2:11pm
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AMEN!! - Sat, 5 Aug 2006 3:47pm
terrible_75_18 *at*
Messages Posted:

four fingers, four strings
Thats all I need n' thats all I got
Bass player for local bands , L.I.D. and BEAUMONTS ,

har har har ,the fuckin only Steamer action im gonna see anytime in the futer is the one i leave in a toilet . This place suks , my 61 year old dad from alberta was out to see this show , , we had to sit on the street while i waited to play . The bouncer went so far as to tell me that he figures i would suk as a musician anyway
what an idiot , he can suk my dick - Sat, 5 Aug 2006 6:27pm
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are you fucking kidding me? he told you you'd "suk as a musician"? That's fucking garbage... i once stood in favor of that place... but after hearing all this bastardly crap from the bouncers(of which i've never had a problem with) i dont really want to spend my money there! and that fucking monkey headed ass 'roid injecting fag of a bouncer should be dragged into the street and have his head made into one of those bouncy balls every kid used to have with the saucer around it; and besides he DOES suck at being a bouncer - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 11:16am
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Steamers is for faggots. - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 12:43pm
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LID has no place playin in a fickin HIPPY bar. I thought a steamer was another name for a TURD. FUCK STEAMERS! Boycott forever. - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 1:05pm Edited: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 1:06pm
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Sounds like it's gonna be a good gig, then again, all LID (VCT) gigs rock!!! - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 11:23pm
the jak
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har har har ,the fuckin only Steamer action im gonna see anytime in the futer is the one i leave in a toilet ......what about steamworks i hear you like hangin out there.......
..slayer or gwar would have to be playing to get me to go to steamers again...leave that place for velvet and nuvo wavo and the set ......logans all the way - Thu, 10 Aug 2006 3:48pm
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Fuck Steamers. Lid rules. Those bouncers need to chill out. I'm not going there anymore. Too bad, it used to be a nice bar. When this new smoking ban hits it's going to hit them big too. See if they survive that now that they've alienated half their customers... - Fri, 11 Aug 2006 8:27am Edited: Fri, 11 Aug 2006 8:53am
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what the hell is steamworks???....who cares anyway - Fri, 11 Aug 2006 12:18pm
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If I thought that any of those bouncers could read, I might be worried about dissin' them. - Wed, 16 Aug 2006 1:33pm
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L.I.D. is rock royalty, a killer band and VERY nice dudes all in one. Also clearly all in their 30's etc...Steamers fucked up big time on this one...

that bouncer now has to live with that over his head...he/they now has beef with ALOT of influential hicktorians

lets start leaving steamers on their doorstep every chance we get...seriously - Fri, 18 Aug 2006 9:50am
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hey i found my ID in my wake boarding shorts , so who wants to goto steamers and fuk shit up,lol. Bet I could get myself into trouble down there ...

Be sure to check out LID at lucky bar for the absolute underground benifit on fri sept 1 - Sat, 19 Aug 2006 11:57am Edited: Sat, 19 Aug 2006 11:59am
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Someone mentioned that we should all go and support the bands anyways... what the hell is the point in paying cover for a band you don't end up seeing play, and doesn't get your money? Not to mention that their drink prices are grosely overpiced (especially if you buy the draft swill they filter through their archaic lines that haven't seen a cleaning since Jesus was born). I've had shitty encounters with staff in many bars throughout my time, but that truelly was experience enough for me to say stay away from Steamer's for anything. Don't give those fuckers any of your money. One of the bands I used to work with in Vancouver, and greatly appreciate, are playing at that shithole this week and I have refused to go even under a guestlist. Being present in that place would be too much support, regardless of paying for the door/drinks or not. I wonder how long it will take for that place finally fold! - Sun, 20 Aug 2006 10:03am
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I dunno man, I've played there plenty of times and while that Iranian dude was crazy harsh, he's gone and the new guys are righteous. They've even helped carry our shit in for us, which nobody does not even our lead singer. Nothin against lid but I've talked to lots of people who really like the new crew. personalities sometimes clash so what the fuck. maybe you need to look at yourself. I dunno whatever, I'm gonna keep going, supporting them and live music in general. Steamers rocks in my opinion. Your entitled to your though. - Tue, 29 Aug 2006 3:34am
Ty Stranglehold
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hey gracy, use the search function at the top and type in "steamers security" the first thread will guide you to a number of posts complaining about more or less the same thing that LID is. I'm sure that they were assholes a the few shows I went to, and yes I'm sure it wasn't just me. - Tue, 29 Aug 2006 8:28pm
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Funny how Gracy or if you look at the user info JimmyP has only 2 posts, and both of them are defending the bouncers.

Smells funny to me.

If you want people to come out to the club, stop acting like dicks, if you treat a situation with violence, the only thing your gonna get is more violence, try respecting the clients and being nice to them, I bet this would solve all the problems. Steamers is not a meatmarket dance club its a pub/bar, you cannot treat the customers the same. I've been going to steamers for years, and I have seen more fights happen in the last year since the new door staff started than in the 6 years prior. If you create a hostile atmosphere your gonna get hostile customers.

Go rent the movie Roadhouse it will teach you everything you need to know. - Wed, 30 Aug 2006 5:00pm
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hey gracy,,i suppose u were a lucky one, as for me ...they didn't want to ,nor would i let them suck my cock!!! lol - Thu, 31 Aug 2006 12:27pm Edited: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 12:33pm
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Ya I stopped going to Steamers after being told I had to pay cover to hear "Open Mic" garbage when all I wanted was to play some pool.
They treat everyone who looks young (I'm an id-able 30) or punk a hard time - FUCK THAT!

Some of the guys that go there are super creepy too. Can anyone say "date rape?"

I was surprized to hear that they were actually having a punk show. - Fri, 1 Sep 2006 12:43pm
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Hey I just checked up on it - steamers is still for faggots. - Fri, 1 Sep 2006 3:48pm
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Check this out...I didn't post this but when I seen it I just had to share... - Fri, 8 Sep 2006 3:57pm
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i think a shit load of us ought ta go drinkin there, and see what happends , those fukers got some bad karma comin there way - Fri, 8 Sep 2006 5:28pm
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I don't get it, since when did Steamers become a gay bar?!? Man, that place ROCKED when it first opened, when sleeves were $3 a sleeve and they had HipHop Thursdayz. - Fri, 8 Sep 2006 5:51pm
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Who wants to tell him?

I agree with Spider though. But shhhh....they could be getting their masters to read this for them. - Fri, 8 Sep 2006 6:29pm
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who fucking cares. that shithole should be burned to the ground. Or put back in the Kings'. - Fri, 8 Sep 2006 6:44pm Edited: Fri, 8 Sep 2006 6:45pm
Punk Rock Wayne
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Terry's used to sitting outside while all the action is happening inside.
That does suck though, what a bunch of pricks - Sat, 16 Sep 2006 11:29am
David Lindquist
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The bouncer at steamers is a douche bag, I think he's angry because his name is shannon -- We played there once and my buddy showed up to see us and he indeed had two valid pieces of ID and he still didnt belive he was of age -- A police officer (why he was there, Im not sure) even varified his age and the bouncer STILL didnt let him in -- I boycotted steamers ages ago, That place blows. - Sat, 16 Sep 2006 2:31pm
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ha, no doubt've done your share of sittin out front off the bar on the curb with me . Like in gastown when our ladies got in and me n you were on the curb fist fightin those surrey fucks . ahh the memories - Mon, 18 Sep 2006 12:20pm
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The infamous Shannon also worked at felicitas last year. (still does?)
Hes a real stand-up guy.
Especially when he's dragging people out in headlocks.

An underage friend of mine knows him and he lets that friend in anytime regardless of ID.

What a gem. - Sat, 30 Sep 2006 3:49pm
coppers in force
User Info...
i cant believe this purse was searched...the guy in front of me was frisked down...wait a minute, why didnt they frisk me down? I dont think ive ever had any bar in Victoria ever search my shit, let alone a stupid funk hippy college bar. and then a friend goes a couple weeks later when a punk band is not playing and there's no searching or prodding! whats the frigging deal?

i can't believe that a show was booked for halloweekend! especially such an establiashment for such bands as cum soc. would have love to see 'em but glad i went home to logans and saw black flab and denim demons and kept the steamers boycott alive. steamers sux. - Sun, 29 Oct 2006 1:55am
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Hah ..... your links don't work ! :p


..... I'm thinking a english course might help ? - Fri, 24 Nov 2006 6:12pm
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Steamers sucks, I went there so early one day, the place was empty as hell. I have an ID that was made 5 months ago, I look exactly the fucking same. I only had my license as an "official" ID. The dumb bouncer asks, wheres the second? I showed him 3 bank cards with my name on it and something else. He said these are no good cause there is no signature. I flipped my bank card over for him, there was a signature. He then changed his mind and said I mean picture and bitched about how faded (but still visible) my signature was on my bank card. WTF? I thought that was lame, considering that bar really, really sucks. Like you think it would be easy to get into such a bad bar. what are they trying to do, get less popular? Heckling bands playing is even worse, fuck that. - Sun, 26 Nov 2006 5:21pm
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