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The Unseen w/The Rebel Spell
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Friday, July 21st

The Unseen (Hellcat)
w/The Rebel Spell and guests..

@ The Cobalt
Tixs: $13 - Scratch/Zulu - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 8:42am
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Hey, oops, this show is 19+, no minors!

For those getting all excited, the poster's just incorrect, so no, The Cobalt's "the most rad bar in town" for other reasons, ha! You can learn 'em on your birthdays.

(I think I remember reading on their site the 18+ error was due to an out of town promoter) - Tue, 11 Jul 2006 6:36pm Edited: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 10:26pm
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haha..ya, crazy albertans and there 18+, thus the poster error.

The announced, but not announced in this thread guests are The Excessives.

TOMORROW!! - Thu, 20 Jul 2006 6:24am
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I hate to mention this as I like and support the rebel spell, but the unseen have adds out saying their new album, is available in HMV.
HMV is owned by EMI, yeah that EMI, the one the sexpistoles wrote the song about, the one that crass boycotted, that still refuses to sell crass albums from my understanding, the one Conflict named the album after (Only Stupid Bastard Help the EMI).
EMI is not only one of the BIG 4 that run almost every thing, but have financailly contributed heavilly to englands arms race in the past, as well as financailly supporting animal testing labs.
EMI also owns Columbia Records, Parlophone, Harvest Records(pink floyds lable), and Virgin Records
this company is bad in mny ways, they are currently attempting to buy out warner music too... they have been connected to many censorshit issues as well. We should not be supporting multinational conglomerants, animal testing, and militarization... Please do not support the unseen, I hate to suggest this as it will hurt the rebel spell, but this lable is eveil and must be stopped. - Thu, 20 Jul 2006 12:18pm
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How bizarre, I always thought Rebel Spell only did All-(R)Agers?!? - Thu, 20 Jul 2006 4:01pm
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or just only support DIY shit like we have always fucking done... Keep the corporations out of our scene. - Thu, 20 Jul 2006 4:53pm
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AND WORKING TO SCREW OVER WENDY13 & THE COBALT IS GONNA HELP YOUR CAUSE IN WHAT WAY EXACTLY? Maybe you should ask around and find out what local promoters & local businesses actually do for your little DIY crew. Maybe they only work to fuck over you guys in Victoria, but I look at it quite differently here in Vancouver, and I think a lot of your buddies here probably feel the same way - otherwise they wouldn't be caught drinking at, working in or attending shows in those bars, and yes, playing in those bars (and no, they definately don't JUST play all ages). I'm not just talking about the Cobalt, but hell, I've seen Wendy hoist amps & lumber on her back and scrub toilets _herself_ to keep her bar going for fucks sakes!

And while we're at it, why are the bands supporting The Unseen innocent in all this? No one's holding a gun to their heads, you know. Last I checked the Rebel Spell's pretty tight with black.skyline (a good group of people who promote bands you probably wouldn't approve of), who're looking pretty tight with the Alberta promoter - who're also putting on the Rancid show which you're also so deadset against.
So explain to me how this all works, will you? With all these dominoes toppling over, I'm really confused. I'm pretty positive I'm also guilty (cuz how could I not leave the house without possibly stepping on an ant), so I'm sure these very sites you dis everyone on will be on your shitlist soon enough if they aren't already.

Fuck, this is frustrating, not that there isn't some legitimacy to what you're saying (and I know it doesn't seem like it, but I DO appreciate it and will always defend your right to say it), but some of us just want to see some music without seeing our friends, who're just struggling like everyone else making it happen, being lynched for it. Try not holding US personally responsible for the things you're angry about, thanks. Goddamn. - Thu, 20 Jul 2006 7:49pm Edited: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 7:51pm
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Although, Rebel Spell deserve to sell out and make some real coin, you can only live on Kraft Dinner for so long right? - Thu, 20 Jul 2006 11:55pm Edited: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 11:56pm
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I realize that wendy is working her as off for all this, I realize a lot of people probably owe a fuck lot to her that she would never ask for, and many bands that may not have ever got shows got them because of her. Yeah she has helped out people, a lot, and some good ones. The bands are not innocent any more than she, I never said they were, nor did I ever call em guilty...
I don't want to fuck over the cobalt, nor the rebel spell, but guess what, when I feel strongly about some thing, I feel compelled to speak out. WAIT! isn't that what this scene was sopose to be about? sorry all, but fuck... what happened to sup[porting D.I.Y. bands, and bands with shit to say, the band who need the help, not the fucking mall punk bullshit...?
Personally I would have hoped that wendy and all other diy promoters arround here would just tell bands like rancid and the unseen that if they wanna use major lables and distibutors, then they can fuck off... We should not be supporting these companies, and it aint like we don't have a choice... Shit so many good bands come through, and so many more would be willing to come if just asked... Bands that are DIY, that do tour for gas money, that don't support major corporations.
What good is it to bitch about the government while making money for the major corporations and multinational conglomerants? To complain about shit like war, but financailly support the companies contributing to it? It aint that hard, kids in the scene have been looking into the bands and shit for years, and I doub't that many fans of rebel spell and the unseen have never heard of conflict, who dedicated an entire album and tour to exspoing and callin for a full out boycott of EMI.
DIY is the way, sinmply stated, we should know by now to not support corporations, we know that almost ever big company is connected to exsploitative labor practices, animal testing and many other dirty polotics, so just quit supporting them, this aint a new fucking idea.
These bands also use the scene, exs[ploiting it for personal gain, selling punk rock and punk rock accesories... I think we need to tell em loud and clear to get the fuck out. Then again why waste our time with em, they don't care, they have HMV and MTV to support their carrers...

Listen to bands that have content and live up to their polotics, they are stuggling too and they put a fuck lot of work into their music, often spending months wrighting single songs. There is no shortage of these bands, and good ones. And as I said before fuck the corporate mall punk MTV bullshit, if thats the way they wanna go, fuck em they obviously dopn't need our help... And EMI has done enough damage, they do not need more money.

I say give your support to bands like Inhaste, Skarp, The Ripcordz, Self Rule, Terror Rythem, Eleutheros, Eco Terror, ISKRA, Leper, Kinsey 6, DROPDEAD, Capitalist Casualties, Behind Enemy Lines, and all the other great bands out there who live up to what they say, do things DIY and are not afraid to state their opinions... Shit there is even a fuck load of non political bands that still refuse to wotrk with big lables, that still play for gass money, that still do more to support their scene rather than corporations, like WANTMONSTER, the Tupps, The Switchblade Vallentines, Raised By Wolves, The Gutter Demons, The Batnix, Bury Whats Dead and so on...
I have no desire to hurt the cobalt and wendy but if you support these companies you support the bullshit thatn is fucking up both our scene and our world. - Fri, 21 Jul 2006 12:12am
me again
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Ok, I'm a little less hot and a lot less grouchy. I should probably take my own advice and not unload all my crap on the one unfortunate who just happens to trigger it.

I'm actually pleased that this allowed you to elaborate on what you're pissed about, but you must know by this point how tough a local promoter's job is. When I see any of them or their shows getting slammed (even the ones I don't like), I kinda go off.

I guess I'm just touchy cuz sometimes these types of shows are necessary, or choices are made, to help pay the bills so that a lot of other stuff can see the light of day. So they're strategic & important, especially cuz they're NOT happening all the time in these contexts. Doesn't always mean people involved are especially stoked about it either. (Not talking about this show in particular. And this stands for a lot of things, not just shows.)
What I'm getting at here is that someone like Wendy who's proven who she is and what she's about, who has way more experience running a business than most of us, making it work, making sure the right bands get supported more often than not rather than the wrong ones, and has a rep for fairness, you'd think would be trusted to make these judgement calls when necessary. I try not to second-guess her, cuz to some of us, she's earned that. After all this time she STILL gets flak for "inflated" cover prices (usually $5, sometimes $10 & the very rare $15? - from punks who've never paid a bill in their lives), and for sub-par washrooms & leaky ceilings (while hello, the sound in her bar is exceptional & the drinks are priced the lowest in town).
Its just tough to take hearing a promoter like that take a beating, you know? If Wendy's gonna get flak - from her own crew - for her ethics, what chance does any other promoter/band/businessperson have? As I see it, they mostly have good intentions and are doing the best they can with what they have and what they know.. slamming people is just not the way to bring out their best.

And I think what also gets confusing, is that its a 2 way street - who's to say who's getting the support here, the Unseen or the Cobalt? A band like that has reached a lot of people who otherwise may not ever visit a real punk bar like the Cobalt, (or get to see the DIY types who play there). And who knows, the Unseen may still want the credibility of having said they've played the Cobalt at least once in their career.
:) - Fri, 21 Jul 2006 1:43am Edited: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 2:00am
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In the words of Chaos UK, "Suck my stomach, hippy."

Who made your computer?

Fucking cunt. I'm gonna go eat two steaks. - Fri, 21 Jul 2006 2:21am Edited: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 2:22am
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well for the record I use public browsers. Not that it matters but I am hoping that responding will piss you off more FJ, cause in my oppinion any one that equates having an opinion and polotics to being a hippie is so caught up in their punk rock image that they deserve to eat ass crust for breakfast lunch and dinner... Wait, maybe you don't deserve dinner, go to your room untill you learn that calling people hippies is as lame as calling them poseurs.

As to you Sati. Your response was good, only thing is I don't feel I was attacking wendy or the Cobalt, I was simply saying this is whats going on, and we should not support these types of companies by giving them our money.

Really i don't want to piss any one off, except Frazer... - Fri, 21 Jul 2006 2:51am
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hey conrad. i think you need to LIGHTEN THE FUCK UP dude!!!!! - Fri, 21 Jul 2006 7:18am
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I'd elaborate more but i have to go and jump in my van and go to work. A van that was made by !gasp! GENERAL MOTORS CANADA!!!! I guess i better cash in my punk chips and call it a day. - Fri, 21 Jul 2006 7:20am
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Well I'm sure using public browsers gets around using Microsoft or Apple products entirely. Kudos!

I equate calling someone a hippie to being about as lame as spouting off anti-corporate, PC politics that the readers will not care about because the subject matter is a punk rock show.

The Unseen (as much as I don't like their newer stuff as much as their older stuff) was one of those bands that toured for gas money and did small DIY shows. Then ~gasp~ people actually liked them and they managed to amass some success in the music world. Whether or not this meets your definition of success and whether or not they adhere to your personal political beliefs doesn't matter.

I hope tons of people go to this show, so maybe a band can come to Canada to play a punk rock show that actually gives them enough gas money to make it to their next show. I'm sure Imperial Leather would have loved to accomplish such a feat. - Fri, 21 Jul 2006 12:45pm Edited: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 12:46pm
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I'm gonna blow my whole paycheck on cd's on the EMI label.
Maybe even see if I can volunteer to do some free labour and promoting for them too! (spiteful bwahahahahaha) - Fri, 21 Jul 2006 3:10pm
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NNB, no hard feelings. I understand you may not be meaning to dis these guys, but think: there's a time and a place. You asked that people boycott this show, but this show's not at GM Place.
I had a close friend who used to rant about injustices in the world and I'd be agreeing with him, but it'd always end with me telling him where to go, cuz he wasn't yelling at them, he was yelling at me (a guy twice my size yelling down at me, which I don't tolerate anymore, btw). A lot of times it came off really self-righteous & accusatory. He just didn't realize that all he was doing was making someone who's honestly trying, and WITH him in his beliefs feel like shit (and thus ineffective in their lives), and that doesn't help anything.

Anyway, I think I'm mostly excited about seeing The Excessives!, so I've gotta get moving. And I don't know all that much about the Unseen, but if they play anything off The Anger and the Truth, I'll be stoked.
Where is the anger, where is the fucking truth, did you lose it somewhere in your youth? :) - Fri, 21 Jul 2006 8:42pm Edited: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 8:47pm
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for fuck sakes, who made the computer you're typing on? Was the internet created by the us government? yes. Would you be sitting free in this country if not for the armies that saved your asses in wars?

I'm sorry if i offend anyone in here but im sick of this fascist group mentality (Your a sellout, you're the ENEMY if you dont subscribe to MY beliefs) that keeps going on. It's like when i started playing music at the age of 13 listening to dookie. Got made fun of cause it was sellout pop punk. Well i would probably be listening to rap right now if i wasnt exposed by that greedy band.

so how do you get people to agree with you when you're just excluding and secluding them? What's the definition of suppresion?

Is melody a crime? are nofx sellouts because they like to make people happy when they listen to some of their songs?
I agree, their music may be poppy at times, but they do it on their own. I agree with a lot of the beliefs that are held by punks, anarchists, and others. But how do you open eyes when you're simply attacking the other side?

Refuse to follow - Fri, 21 Jul 2006 10:40pm Edited: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 10:43pm
Comrade Black
Comrade Black
prideandunity *at*
Messages Posted:

I set up all ages shows, poetry, and workshops related to resistance, anarchist and animal liberation ideas

sorry I must be confused, I just re read my origional post, and I can not seam to find the partsa where I am talking down to people, as well I hate to repete words that are so cleche but Fascis is a term refering to the merger of state and corporation. One ellement common to fascism is proxy... thats the whole use of force to control. Perhapse you should not through arround that word so lightly, and still be trying to be seriouse.
As well many people do not subscribe to my beliefs, nor did I say they have to, I stated an oppinion, HOLY SHIT THATS NOT ALLOWED!!!
Reallity is many tyhe bands I promote and support do have differnet oppinions than I, I got Mass Grave to play once, their not exactly sXe now are they, nor was any band I have book yet, the closest would have been Self Rule.... Many of the bands I book are not vegan, again I support them cause they still are good musicians and ethical people, they just have different oppinions... I accept that. In fact I welcome it. So tell me when I said if you don't agree with me you are not punk, cause I searched the thread and I can not find it...
also, I would like to state if you have not read the thread, don't ucking respond, seriousely it is annoying when some one brings up a point that has already been discussed... The pc I am right now typing on by the way is NEC ACCUSYNC 70, if any one cares, I am not sure exactly what that means, but ether way it was free to use...

"I equate calling someone a hippie to being about as lame as spouting off anti-corporate, PC politics that the readers will not care about because the subject matter is a punk rock show."

Wait, so do I take it you think the dead kennedys, crass, conflict, aus-rotten and all the other pollitical and anarcho-punk bands are just hippies??? Guess what this is a culture of oppinionated people, you know people with oppinions... Now thats talking down to some one. - Sat, 22 Jul 2006 12:06am
Alex Obnoxious
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conrad, you know i'm with you, but i'm going with hesher here: lighten up. it's a dumb internet board, just like all the other dumb internet boards out there. - Sat, 22 Jul 2006 1:48am
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I really am not that uptight about it, I think this is stupid, I juyst seam to have a way of over exspressing my words I guess... - Sat, 22 Jul 2006 3:03am
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It just bothers me. I've lost count of the fakes who go around calling bands sellouts to make themselves seem more punk. The ones who go home to their middle class house whos parents do everything for them. No, i dont mean you. I dont know you. :)

You didn't say it, i just got the vibe that you dont accept people who dont agree with you. Just goes to show that assumptions on my part just started a bunch of shit, and we probably wont be playing any more of your shows because of it. I just dont like the collective belief thing in big groups, it reminds me of highschool. You say one wrong thing and everyone judges and excludes you. You aren't the only one that jumps the gun when you strongly believe in something.

I don't think you or any of those bands are just a bunhc of hippies. I do however think that you are fighting for a world that (in my oppinion) is naive to believe possible. The way we are as humans is built into our genes, but then again, maybe you are more advanced. anyways, off topic.

All that i dont like is working 6 days a week to see someone living off welfare or asking people for money on the street. i guess that makes me not punk, but i dont care. I have had just as fucked up of a childhood as anyone else, but it doesn't stop me from getting a job, my own place, and paying bills. But then again, is that not just supporting the evil corporations?


lol i think it is funny that i just clearly insulted the guy whos getting us to play one of his shows. didnt know till after the first post lol. smart move andrew, very smart lol - Sat, 22 Jul 2006 9:07am Edited: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 10:18am
Noise Not Bombs
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You can work your life away for some one else if you want to, working to pay rent and buy shit that you don't need, or you can take charge of your own life and work towards your goals. If you can escape from buying into all the shit they try and sell you of how you are suppose to live and what being a success means you may be able to actaully realize being a success is accomplishing your own goals.

I aint no middle class, as well I aint on welfare, I also don't hold it against people who are, esspecailly when the bosses are living with out working and many people are slaving to get by.
I for the record live on the streets, I do all I do cause I think it is right. I don't get paid by the street news, who i write for, nor by any of the groups I organize with, not by Noise Not Bombs shows. I do it all cause I Believe in what I am doing, and I work my fucking ass off to make it happen. Not to seam self richouse, but I work way fucking harder than most people ever do, and I don't get paid.
The bands play for free, or gass money, so why should i take from the cash when they don't, seams to make sense to me.
For the record, Imperial leather was sopose to get payed enough, but they changed their plans and chose to not come with leper at last minute, so then I left it to them and leper to figure it out. If they had not changed plans no one would have lost money on that show. Remeber too that show was a monday show, by donation, no one turned away, as well as all ages and licensed.

As for "punk rock" much if is not worth my time, or in my opinion, any ones time, but there is also a lot of really tallented inspiring people and musicains and bands out there. Those are the ones we need to be supporting. Don't make the mistake of closing your eyes because you don't want to see the truth.

I will keep doing what I do untill there is no need for it. I will only hold others up to what I do, and I aint no one specail, i know pleanty of people that do 10 times what I do...

But I know one thing, I may have little to know money, live on the streets, and be looked down on and hated by most, but I love what i am doing and I am a success cause I am living out my goals. Now it is up to you. - Sat, 22 Jul 2006 11:42am
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sorry but I gotta say, armies that saves my ass in war? Are you fucking kidding me?? what you think WW2 was really our allied governments trying to save the world from nazis? No our governments were funding the nazis for the longest time, infact even after WW2 a lot of money was still going to nazi parties from american investors, and proably canadian too, we joined that war cause there was investors profits at stake...

sorry about the rant, but I hate justification of war. - Sat, 22 Jul 2006 11:45am
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Comrade your a cool guy ive talked to you before and i respect you for putting on all ager shows and bringing a shit load of amazing bands to vic BUT

"You can work your life away for some one else if you want to, working to pay rent and buy shit that you don't need, or you can take charge of your own life and work towards your goals. If you can escape from buying into all the shit they try and sell you of how you are suppose to live and what being a success means you may be able to actaully realize being a success is accomplishing your own goals."

do you own any records/cds/tapes/patches/studs/band shirts or anything that costs money cause i doubt you need any of that stuff, and for some people they like living in a house having there own stuff maybe thats a goal for them, cause it sure is for me when i move out of my house i want to get my own place and have my own cds/records/tapes(i dont wear patches or studs) but thats just me and im not very punk i guess

and just for the record Canada joined WW2 because Britian pretty much told us too and if it wasnt for the US joining the war we would probably be speaking german right now(and by the way i hate war im not justificating it)

PS - if anyone owns anything by the Sex Pistoles, the beatles,Megadeth,Iron Maiden and others that im probably forgetting you own something owned by the record lable EMI

You can work your life away for some one else if you want to, working to pay rent and buy shit that you don't need, or you can take charge of your own life and work towards your goals. If you can escape from buying into all the shit they try and sell you of how you are suppose to live and what being a success means you may be able to actaully realize being a success is accomplishing your own goals.

FIGHT WAR NOT WARS/ FIGHT WAR NOT WARS/ FIGHT WAR NOT WARS - Sat, 22 Jul 2006 2:11pm Edited: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 2:12pm
Ty Stranglehold
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Here's another point of veiw.

HMV is a record store that is pretty much integrated into malls and such all across Canada. I think it is the only option for music buying kids in many places in this country. As I understand it, HMV has a pretty decent policy for distibuting indie bands (I've heard anyways, do not know 100%) so it would lead me to believe that it would be a good way for small diy bands to get their music out to the kids who would have never heard it. In turn, this would make it easier for said diy band to get our and tour and be able to get enough kids out to pay for the gas, food, etc that it takes to tour.
From that point of veiw, HMV is helping small diy bands "take charge of their lives and work towards their goals", right?
If you're planning to boycott bands that are sold at HMV, you should know who else you're giving up.
Dead Kennedys, Propagandhi and Ripcordz are among them.

I think if there is any good reason to boycott HMV, it's the ridiculous prices... Shop local. - Sun, 23 Jul 2006 3:24am
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The same HMV that in Mayfair mall stopped stocking the shelves with INDependant CDs (eg. local bands) cause they needed the space for mainstream CDs?!? - Sun, 23 Jul 2006 1:04pm
Ty Stranglehold
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I wouldn't know about that Phil, but I do know that if you have an independent record label it isn't too hard to obtain distribution through HMV stores.

I could see them not taking consignment discs from local unsigned bands. It seems that few indie stores even do that anymore. - Sun, 23 Jul 2006 2:09pm
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Perhaps that's what I was thinking of, in any case they needed the space for CDs that sell more then local CDs do. - Sun, 23 Jul 2006 3:57pm
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For the record the Unseen sucked.
Openers were both good, crowd got a decent pit going, but they didn't seem to care much. Ignored the crowd (& requests) and mowed through everything including a song I love with no feeling whatsoever. I know one guy (the real grouchy looking one) looked like an original member, but does anyone know how many others are? It'll just upset me more whatever the case. I don't think they even know or remember what those songs are about.

I had a great time cuz of all the cool people there but the next morning I looked up some of their old lyrics (cuz I lost my cd) and my eyes actually teared I was so pissed off. The Total Chaos/Ab Arato/Neo Nasties show last night made up for it all but when Rob Chaos(?) asked how the Unseen were we couldn't hold back - it was "THEY SUCKED" from a few of us, and I'm normally much more polite than that.
"Where have you gone, you've faded away NOW YOU'RE GONE"
[edited out my potty mouth!] - Sun, 23 Jul 2006 5:40pm Edited: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 12:22am
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In addition to what Ty listed - Crass, Conflict, Capitalist Casualties, and Skarp are all available through HMV. - Sun, 23 Jul 2006 5:51pm
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OHOH......SELLOUTS..........LOLOLOLOL - Mon, 24 Jul 2006 1:38am
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i thought that the americans went to war because of the economy. And pearl harbour was the 9/11 of that time to get the people at home behind them.

but i guess you were talking about canada.

anywyas..if the americans didn't join the war then wouldnt germany have beat the english? i dont know..that is how i thought it was.

obviously..not justifying war, but honestly..war is part of human nature. a lot of our existance is based on war. which is pretty sad, :( - Tue, 25 Jul 2006 3:43pm
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ok FJ you are a fucking moron. your soo fucking cool for making shit up.
Crass records and mortarhate are not caried in HMV so quit being a fucking ass crumb.
As for america in the war, if you were to believe people such as noam chomsky, howard zinn and so on, the american companies and government were actually funding the fascists, and had a lot invested. As well many of those companies such as Ford continued to invest in fascist governments even after the war was over, some right into the 1970s. As well Noam Chompsky points out in his book Power and Terror, that Pearl Harbor was not at all like
9-11 because Pearl Harbor was a military base on what he calls a US collony, where as 9-11 was a civillian target, or "soft Target" not military, specifically chosen to send a message, and was definately in the heart of America. These were not military men that lost their lives, as well 9-11 was no Bombing, it was a hijacking, which again hits a verry different cord.
Just wanted to say that. - Tue, 25 Jul 2006 3:59pm
Chris Logan
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"as well 9-11 was no Bombing, it was a hijacking, which again hits a verry different cord. "

What the fuck, exactly, are you on about? - Tue, 25 Jul 2006 4:59pm
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Soooo Public library= tax dollars (from the working folks)
Community drop in centres= tax dollars (from working folkss)
food banks, shelters, out of the cold program , street link, public washrooms ect ect = all paid by the working class.

You say you dont need to work but you use the services , well maybe not street link but others.

kinda bullshit - Tue, 25 Jul 2006 8:12pm Edited: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 8:13pm
Alex Obnoxious
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yeah, let's argue about how unemployed people shouldn't use libraries or be able to eat cause they don't have jobs. those fuckers. not like the government, who only puts tax dollars towards good things. the government doesn't squander a single red penny, ever! it's all these unemployed people who rip me off!

public bathrooms and food banks shouldn't be open to you unless you've got a pay stub on you!

[end sarcasm] - Tue, 25 Jul 2006 11:15pm Edited: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 11:34pm
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You know, even when I was making base rate Minimum Wage, and now being on Disability, you'll never see me at a Food Bank, go figure. - Wed, 26 Jul 2006 1:34am
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alcohol addiction is not a disability :) - Wed, 26 Jul 2006 1:02pm
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Ok, number one.
Alcohol addiction should be concidered a disbility, many of these people can not keep down a job.
Number two, I don't use a shelter, I sleep outside most the year, I clean up after my self, as well as I often clean up messes left by others, specifically drunks and drug users that are near or in the spaces I sleep before I go to them.
Number three, I don't eat at soup kitchens (almost ever) I dumpster most of my food, as well as I buy what I can with what little money I have. I also do not use the food bank, although you should see how much food they through out, if any of you dumpster, i recomend you check your local food banks dumpster once in a while.
Number four.
I did work, most my life, I worked at one job for over a year, and was doing 60 hour weeks on average. I figure I have payed my taxes.
Number five.
Not to sound pretentouse... But I put more into this society than most people. I vollunteer every sunday to cook with food not bombs (the only healthy food offered to street people and other low income) as well as doing much between week and specail event organizing for them, keeping up their myspace, and specail event organizing. I also write for the victoria street news, as well as being envolved in other actavism too. Also remeber I do set up shows, often for bands that could not get shows normally. When I came to town there was barely any all ages shows happening, now they are a regular thing. As well, My shows are both all all ages and cheap. And I use those shows to highlight important political issues and socail issues, including things like political prisoners, and supporting local grass roots organizations.

I would also like to know how much you figure my use of the library is costing? You know for me to use the already provided computers, and to take up about 2 square feet of space while I am here...?

Maybe you should be more pissed off at the people sitting at the top who cost this society millions and live off the work of other people by paying them half of what their labor earns, or charging them rent enough to not only take care of the properties but also enough to put the propperty "owner" into the upper class tax bracket. The companies getting enormouse tax exemptions, and subsities while exporting jobs to forin country's, and the other rich bastards that don't give nearly as much back to society as they take, many of which live in practices that destroy this enviroment like driving SUV's, and many of which never really have to work cause they had money passed downh to them. Maybe thats who you should be pissed at...? - Wed, 26 Jul 2006 1:40pm
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I was just poking harmless fun at griphin - Wed, 26 Jul 2006 2:47pm
Chris Logan
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After zee revolucione zehr veel be no harmlessh fun!! - Wed, 26 Jul 2006 4:55pm Edited: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 4:56pm
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I went to HMV's website. I searched for the above mentioned bands. I was able to buy all of them through HMV's website. What part of that makes me a fucking moron? The part that actually went and looked before saying someting?

Sorry, but your precious anarcho-punk that would never be available through such a corporate conglomerate retailer is in fact readily available. Get your head out of your ass. - Thu, 27 Jul 2006 9:43pm
Ty Stranglehold
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Damn Frazer, I was going to go down to HMV to see what I could find this weekend, I never thought to check online.

I was pretty sure that all of that would be available, I only listed what I knew for sure.

I was thinking that I'd go down and pick up some anarcho band at HMV, just because it would make it that much more E-V-I-L... Damn, if they sold veal there, I'd never leave! - Fri, 28 Jul 2006 12:29am
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damn, you guys are really arguing about this shit. it's hmv. it's in malls. what do you expect? as much as it kinda sucks that the music i like has become more mainstream (after they edit, stretch, shrink, crinkle, and rewrite it), at least maybe hmv or gfy or whatever will introduce little greenday kids into real music. really, who the hell cares? i don't go into hmv, never have, and it really doesn't affect my life. there's times i even forget it most of it. if your biggest crises is a corporate shitty music store not stocking enough bad religion or whatever, your life's pretty good - Mon, 7 Aug 2006 1:21pm
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Tyler, I don't suffer with alcohol addiction, I can't drink when on Dilantin. One thing I will mention, TAP BEERS SUCK!!! I got so sick after drinking tap beer, go figure. - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 11:25pm
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im kinda between the lines on this one. I got into music when i was a kid with mainstream pop punk shit. I guess that is influence, but without it i would probably be listening to rap.

Now on the other side, it seems like the only way to be "rich" is to fuck people. But what if somebody was rich, and gave back? It is too bad how rare that is. - Thu, 10 Aug 2006 5:19pm
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I saw 3 Crass cds in AandB sound the other day.
and a few conflict cds in hmv.
also i came across a flux of pink indeans cd...

hmv does suck, but don't rag on bands that have records out in those stores, when all your music can be found there too. - Fri, 11 Aug 2006 1:23am
jay brown
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Good lord are we still talking about Crass on this site? Lamest crappy ass garbage try to be cool shit ass band full of dirty hippies ever. Rebel Spell are an awesome band, I hope they get distro in every major record store out there and manage to keep it going for a long time to come. Maybe then the message will get to the masses instead of being thrown around on a website like this instead.BWAHAHAHAHAHAH, Crass, holy crap I cant believe people still listen to that shit. Hey while were at it let's thow on a Flipper album and talk about their technical genius. - Fri, 11 Aug 2006 7:25am
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"Good lord are we still talking about Crass on this site? Lamest crappy ass garbage try to be cool shit ass band full of dirty hippies ever"

haha I got a good kick out of that. - Fri, 11 Aug 2006 7:08pm
Chris Rebel
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Flipper "American Grafishy" was one of my fav albums in my teen years. Fuck HMV and other chain music stores, buy your music from the bands, or indy stores(duh), Fuck the Punk Police, if you dont know your shit, dont talk shit, and let the other people enjoy life and decide for themselves what is cool. and who the fuck in the Rebel Spell eats KD?, give us some credit, we eat the shit in the yellow boxes. - Fri, 11 Aug 2006 7:08pm
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... - Tue, 15 Aug 2006 4:39pm
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"ok FJ you are a fucking moron. your soo fucking cool for making shit up.
Crass records and mortarhate are not caried in HMV so quit being a fucking ass crumb."

You actually can find crass, skarp, etc through HMV, so yeah. - Wed, 16 Aug 2006 9:02am Edited: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 9:03am
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