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What the fuck is up with peanuts?
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > What the fuck is up with peanuts?
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Is it just me or have peanuts become some sort of inanimate super-villain over the past couple of years? What the fuck is wrong with people? They're peanuts. I don't want to see a barrage of commercials talking about how great they are for being peanut free. I like peanuts. If someone is deathly allergic to peanuts - fuck em. It's called natural selection. If a peanut has the ability to take you down just by it's presence - too bad. It's the natural order of things. go lay down on the floor of big bad john's and cry your giant bloated Anaphylactic head to sleep. Kids can't even go to school with a peanut butter sandwich anymore without prior conscent. Fuck that.

I don't actually give a shit about peanuts one way of the other. I'm just sick of people bitching. cigarettes, peanuts, PC assholes bitching about KFC, liquids on airplanes - stop already.

by next year we'll all be fully idiot-proofed by PC law, the CRD and other government interventions, all wearing helmets at all times eating nothing but lettuce like guinea pigs, with our matches a and lighters confiscated lining up to apply for a license that will allow us our safety scissors.

Damn. - Wed, 20 Feb 2008 2:45pm Edited: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 2:47pm
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I think I love you - Wed, 20 Feb 2008 3:22pm
trevor corey
User Info... - Wed, 20 Feb 2008 4:03pm
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I agree with Stefan.

I also agree with this statement from the linked article:
"People with such allergies should also wear medical bracelets or necklaces, she said."

2% of the population are causing all of the "PC reactions" or whatever you want to all them.

Awareness is the only solution, not lockdowns.

No matter what, accidents will happen and will be tragic.

I'm all for individuals having to take responsibility for themselves.

Oh, and I'm also jealous that a fat 10 year old is so damn hot and probably gets more chikcs than me. - Wed, 20 Feb 2008 4:25pm Edited: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 4:26pm
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I fucked him last night, actually. Not bad. Fuck off then. - Wed, 20 Feb 2008 4:27pm
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Hay you are crossing over from another thread, this thread it for " What the fuck is up with peanuts?" go back to your own page... lol naaah this is fun i did nothing at work all day for 12h but post on here ... good times - Wed, 20 Feb 2008 4:48pm
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fuck off. - Wed, 20 Feb 2008 5:00pm
Mr. Hell
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No shit.
Think of all the poor kids whose parents can't afford anything but peanut butter for lunch every day. Now they have to spring for Carl Buddig or whatever is day old. My brother is deathly allergic to peanuts, but all the years he was in elementary school they never instituted a ban on peanuts. He never had a problem and was aware of the consequences if he came in contact.
So now the kids can't have those lovely PB&J sandwiches. Next thing you know, Quinn won't be able to take his to work anymore either. - Wed, 20 Feb 2008 7:07pm Edited: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 7:08pm
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Are you going to post that on every board I go to now .. Zack

Fuck Off - Wed, 20 Feb 2008 7:08pm
Mr. Hell
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If they had the ban back in the day, Graeme would have had to bring his homemade taffy to school everyday instead of keeping that shameful secret at home. - Wed, 20 Feb 2008 7:10pm
trevor corey
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Meh. Peanuts are moldy dirt food. - Wed, 20 Feb 2008 7:17pm
Mr. Hell
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Only if you dip them in mold and roll them in dirt. - Wed, 20 Feb 2008 7:29pm
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Well they grow in the ground and half are rotten - Wed, 20 Feb 2008 7:49pm
Swingin' Joe
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I have a buddy who is deathly allergic, he seems to be doing ok. I think he'd be shit outta luck if he was illeterate though.

"Think of all the poor kids whose parents can't afford anything but peanut butter for lunch every day. Now they have to spring for Carl Buddig or whatever is day old. My brother is deathly allergic to peanuts, but all the years he was in elementary school they never instituted a ban on peanuts. He never had a problem and was aware of the consequences if he came in contact.
So now the kids can't have those lovely PB&J sandwiches. Next thing you know, Quinn won't be able to take his to work anymore either."

Haha, no doubt. Imagine how many high kicks that asshole would pull off if that happened. Oh shit, consider myself dead now.... - Wed, 20 Feb 2008 7:49pm Edited: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 8:21pm
Mr. Hell
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Lincoln is gonna tell Quinn that you said that and you can expect a midnight stealth ambush anyday now.

"Well they grow in the ground and half are rotten "

You aren't supposed to eat the rotten ones, Captain Taffy. - Wed, 20 Feb 2008 8:52pm Edited: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 8:53pm
trevor corey
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Once I asked Quinn if he had internet.
He just got a puzzled look on his face. - Thu, 21 Feb 2008 12:03am
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You guys would all be dead by now if he wasn't still brushing his hair... - Thu, 21 Feb 2008 8:29am
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I think metal guys can actually will you to death by conjuring some demons to get you or something. I seen it on tv. - Thu, 21 Feb 2008 3:34pm
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don't ever say to him "your going bald on top eh " .with a look that would kill most men he will be on you like white on rice. - Thu, 21 Feb 2008 4:12pm
s800856 *at*
Messages Posted:

thanks to my cousin shawn who made this pic and sent it to me ,love the flames and the way he used the pics of my ugly mug lol

"You guys would all be dead by now if he wasn't still brushing his hair... " that rules lmfao ... he got it cut so i think it should cut the brushing down to a about an hr lol how long do ya think it will take before this will be seen by your bro? unless he is visiting one of us i dont think it will be seen lol - Fri, 22 Feb 2008 4:01am
Swingin' Joe
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It'll be like we were never even born if he has seen this. - Fri, 22 Feb 2008 6:03am
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I'm gonna make sure he comes out for poker saturday, and since we got the net at the spot I'll bring this up for him.

The rest of you can go ahead and say goodbye to your families now. - Fri, 22 Feb 2008 8:07am Edited: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 8:07am
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i dunno man i was visiting yesterday and i got the feeling he was gonna bail on poker so i'm not too sure how we are gonna be able to get him out of his cave lol - Fri, 22 Feb 2008 12:54pm
trevor corey
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No way, I don't believe you.

....I'm pretty sure he was born with that mop. - Fri, 22 Feb 2008 5:43pm Edited: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 5:44pm
trevor corey
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Of course when I say "mop", what I mean is, flowing locks of silky wonderment.

..........I'm going into hiding now. - Fri, 22 Feb 2008 6:44pm
Meantime Mike
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Dont worry, IF you actualy see him coming, all you have to do is pull out The Internet. That oughta keep him puzzled for just long enough to get away. - Fri, 22 Feb 2008 8:53pm
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Or throw him a beer and a slice of pizza ,that will make him stop for a sec - Sat, 23 Feb 2008 1:59pm
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Once I whipped out a slick Chuck Schuldiner riff right in front of him and he was all involved in that for a split second. Then I swiftly dropped him with a deft double-left jab combo followed by a right haymaker uppercut. This foolishness only caused him to become "metal angry" though as he informed me that I had played two notes wrong consecutively. He strangled me with 3 or 4 of "The Hairs". It killed me. I can't play Chuck Schuldiner riffs anymore. Not like I could before, but....... - Sat, 23 Feb 2008 2:03pm Edited: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 2:07pm
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Once we where walking down the street and he was behind me and he was just going to light up a smoke { i could see his shadow on the ground} , with out looking or terning to look I reached back fast and grabbed his smoke from his mouth , he stopped and stared at me with a look like "it was on" So I handed him back his smoke and he just said "WOW that was fast" ...... this other time we where at the jam spot I forget how but we got into it {with beer in hand} throwing kicks at each other , we kicked at the same time and kicked one another in the shins to block the others, about waist hight.I had a brews to the bone for three weeks ,he told me after that he had one as well - Sat, 23 Feb 2008 4:08pm
trevor corey
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"If you see him coming", you are already dead. You just haven't hit the ground yet. - Sat, 23 Feb 2008 4:43pm
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Also, when the Boogey Man goes to bed, he checks his closet for Quinn. - Sat, 23 Feb 2008 6:12pm
trevor corey
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Quinn can kill two stones with one bird. - Sat, 23 Feb 2008 6:20pm
Mr. Hell
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Is Quinn the new Chuck Norris? - Sat, 23 Feb 2008 7:29pm
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No. Chuck Norris is the new Quinn. Quinn came first. Even before God. - Sat, 23 Feb 2008 7:36pm
Mr. Hell
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Quinn is not going to like this one bit.
He will end up knocking out the entire internet at this punch before it knows what hit it, it'll be on the ground. - Sat, 23 Feb 2008 7:40pm
trevor corey
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....or, he'll knock up the entire internet. - Sat, 23 Feb 2008 9:55pm
trevor corey
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Once, Quinn joined forces with Mr Hell to fight crime. All criminals in the known universe were instantly vaporized by the sheer awsomeness of their flowing silky locks. Afterwards, Quinn created Vin Diesel using a welder and a 55 gallon drum, but left him bald so that he could not challenge their hairdo supremecy. - Sun, 24 Feb 2008 4:57am
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and he's been bragging about it ever since. - Sun, 24 Feb 2008 8:17am
Mr. Hell
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The only place we joined forces was at DaSilva Gardening and we had our hair tied up so no one would accidentally get murdered.
There was that one time at the Parliament Buildings when Quinn put his backpack down to pull some weeds and a homeless guy came along and tried to walk off with it. Quinn and the homeless had a tug-of-war with the bag and you can guess who came out victorious.
The homeless' arms were torn clean off. - Sun, 24 Feb 2008 12:50pm
trevor corey
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"Parliament Buildings" ?
When did you guys live in Ottawa?

.............I am so going to get metal murdered. - Sun, 24 Feb 2008 2:39pm
Swingin' Joe
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When it comes to Quinn, you lose everytime. Just the way it is. - Sun, 24 Feb 2008 3:24pm
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lets see some pictures - Sun, 24 Feb 2008 4:02pm
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quinn is hella chill

dreadnaut forever - Sun, 24 Feb 2008 4:34pm
trevor corey
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......and here is some video - Mon, 25 Feb 2008 1:48am
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its funny how this went from peanuts to quin lol and its in the controversy and quarentine section to boot ,one things for sure when quin finally does see this our eternal damnation begins lol ive known quin for over 20yrs and he's pretty much been one of the few bro's i know who's not given into changing into somethin he's not ,he will fight for his beliefs and his friends to the end - Mon, 25 Feb 2008 8:44am
Mr. Hell
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Hey, I just want to make it clear that all I said was Quinn will be pissed if they ban peanut butter from the work place.
What came after that...every man for himself. I am going to find an abandoned bombshelter now. - Mon, 25 Feb 2008 9:19pm
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I don't care if there's a mars bar with a peanut in it. They should focus on scented kleenex. What a scam that is, ya sneeze once and use a kleenex. Perfume makes ya sneeze again so ya use a kleenex. Before you know it the box is empty and wal-mart is laughing 'cause ya gotta buy more. - Tue, 26 Feb 2008 7:58am
trevor corey
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Whenever Graeme calls me now , my phone call display reads "Captain Taffy". - Tue, 26 Feb 2008 7:30pm Edited: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 7:31pm
Mr. Hell
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Get a big pot.

Fill it with a bag of sugar.

Turn it to 7 or so.

Stir frequently.

Voila...taffy! - Tue, 26 Feb 2008 10:36pm
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Thanx RachaelRay. - Wed, 27 Feb 2008 6:31am
Mr. Hell
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I am guessing you'd rather have a recipe for bathtub Lysol gin? - Wed, 27 Feb 2008 12:14pm
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on an unrelated note, the squirrels outside my apartment building always have peanuts, in the shell. like, ALWAYS. who the hell is giving these guys peanuts?! - Wed, 27 Feb 2008 7:45pm
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You need to put butter in and us brown sugar. I AM A TAFFY GOD - Fri, 29 Feb 2008 5:10pm
Mr. Hell
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Thank you for setting me straight.
What he said. - Fri, 29 Feb 2008 5:17pm
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Quinn doesn’t wear a watch, HE decides what time it is. - Sat, 1 Mar 2008 3:13pm
trevor corey
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I've started calling my dogs Meatball and Capn Taffy.
The wife thinks I'm nuts. - Sat, 1 Mar 2008 11:07pm
Mr. Hell
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You can also call Graeme 'Chief Fucking Horse' if you like.
Don't ask. - Sat, 1 Mar 2008 11:16pm
trevor corey
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Are Grimlord and Morgoth twins? - Sun, 2 Mar 2008 12:10am
trevor corey
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I'm just saying. - Sun, 2 Mar 2008 12:10am
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that has got to be the same guy... - Sun, 2 Mar 2008 12:28am
Swingin' Joe
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Grim Lord VS. Morgoth....I give it to Grim Lord, you don't want to fuck with that. He doesn't need to wear armor and garbage to look tough. He's rockin' a coca cola shirt for christ sakes! - Sun, 2 Mar 2008 2:22am
trevor corey
User Info...
When Morgoth burned the turkey one thanksgiving, Grimlord said, "don't worry about it honey," and went into his backyard. He came back five minutes later with a live turkey, ate it whole, and when he threw it up a few seconds later it was fully cooked and came with cranberry sauce. When Morgoth asked him how he had done it, he gave her a roundhouse kick to the face and said, "NEVER QUESTION THE LORD GRIM." - Sun, 2 Mar 2008 3:01am Edited: Sun, 2 Mar 2008 3:09am
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Your not the only one to dig that pic up. I think he is dead isn't he? Maybe I am thinking of someone els .Now if I could dress like that I would get laid and kill all at the same time. - Sun, 2 Mar 2008 11:06am
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Chief Fucking Horse says :“If God exists why did He have to give me such a horrible looking body? I mean what’s the point in having nipples if you are a man? I’ve tried biting them off in the past but I doubt I could handle the pain. I don’t know what I’d say to Mother on the way to the hospital either……” - Sun, 2 Mar 2008 11:19am
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To get the thread back on the topic of peanuts... I have to say I'm a little surprised at some people's attitude about this. It's not like people have created peanut-free zones because they didn't like the taste of peanuts.. they do this because people with peanut allergies can and often do DIE from coming into contact with peanuts.

Damn rights those kindergarten/pre-school whatevers better be peanut free. How often do little kids trade lunches and whatever else.. if even one kid out of 200 has a peanut allergy and they come into contact and die from it, that place is going to be shut down and investigated, and for what? The right to eat peanuts in public? Honestly, we're comparing the importance of hassle-free peanut eating with the very-real possibility of DEATH??

Let me tell you - my wife is violently allergic to peanuts. Sometimes even being in a room with someone who has recently eaten peanut products can cause her to get a sore throat or worse. I guarantee you the first time you or somebody you care about starts to randomly suffocate and die for no apparent reason, until you are informed of the peanut oil used to cook something you just ate, after you specifically asked if there were any peanuts in the ingredients, you'll be looking around for the peanut free zone, too.

And honestly, there really is no good reason to ever eat peanuts. They're one of the most unhealthy foods on the planet, due to the fact that their primary function, and the reason they are grown at all, is to filter all the toxins out of the soil between crop-plantings. Yeah.. and after the peanuts suck all of the crap out of the soil, they are then packaged and sold as snacks. No wonder so many people are deathly allergic to them. - Mon, 3 Mar 2008 1:43pm Edited: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 1:43pm
Mr. Hell
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Even if people dislike the peanut-free zones and all the amped up awareness to peanut allergies, it's not like the zones and awareness are going to diminish.
Why are there so many more food allergies these days? Well, excess pollution and genetic modification are probably two reasons. Plus all the filtering and pure stuff we rely on which doesn't allow our bodies to be as immune to potentially poisonous substances.
As I said, my brother is deathly allergic, but by being aware and careful he hasn't had an incident in 16 years...he's 19 now.
Yes, elementary schools are a different thing because the kids aren't mature enough to take on the responsibility. Hopefully making schools peanut-free is not teaching kids to take for granted that the threat isn't there. What happens when a parent or kid forgets or ignores the rule and the people with the allergy have their guard down?
And by the way...don't eat at Ferris' if you know what is good for you.
Peanut oil oasis. - Mon, 3 Mar 2008 4:53pm Edited: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 5:05pm
trevor corey
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I have no love for peanuts.
As I said earlier, moldy dirt food. - Mon, 3 Mar 2008 5:15pm
trevor corey
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..........although, back in the day, when I was broke ass, I would enjoy a heaping tablespoon of smooth Skippy mixed in with a can of Campbell's tomato soup. - Tue, 4 Mar 2008 1:19am
Swingin' Joe
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As gross as that sounds, I'm sure that was very nutritious. Still gross, I mean, no. - Tue, 4 Mar 2008 6:20am
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Is it just peanuts or any nut cuz if it is just peanuts then thay should switch to nuttella or skiffy the chines nockoff made with soy - Wed, 5 Mar 2008 12:05am
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Sadly the spoon of peanut butter I snacked on earlier didn't take me out

I should probably rip up the note I left, huh - Wed, 5 Mar 2008 10:33pm
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Just peanuts, Grimlord .. no other nuts that I know of cause the same type of allergy, at least not in anywhere similar numbers or severity. We used Almond/Hazelnut or Cashew butter, both of which are actually healthy (almonds in particular being one of the so-called superfoods which humans should apparently be eating everyday) and taste far better than peanut butter, as well. A little pricey, but worth it! - Thu, 6 Mar 2008 2:12pm
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Holy shit. What the fuck bus x10??

That is a picture of the most infamous black metal musician of all time; Varg Vikernes.

It is a beautiful picture, full of mystery and so noo offense but I think a picture with such beautiful colors, armor and atmosphere to it is better than yours because you are simply wearing a coca cola t-shirt.



Check it out or maybe use your brain? - Sat, 15 Mar 2008 5:46pm
Swingin' Joe
User Info...
Brain used.

"It is a beautiful picture, full of mystery and so noo offense but I think a picture with such beautiful colors, armor and atmosphere to it is better than yours because you are simply wearing a coca cola t-shirt."

Are you geigh? Slightly? - Sat, 15 Mar 2008 8:41pm
trevor corey
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Norwegians. lol - Sun, 16 Mar 2008 1:25am Edited: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 1:28am
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"Are you geigh? Slightly?"
So I simply cannot explain something in artistic terms? I guess appreciation for photography and artistic details must warrant me gay, no matter that gay means you are attracted to men and has nothing to do with visual or artistic perception.

It's fine though.. I realized my style of posts will be criticized. I like to explain things instead of one word answers or potshots. Ignorance is bliss however... - Sun, 16 Mar 2008 6:26pm
Swingin' Joe
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Well it was an interesting read on that "cool" dude, regardless. - Sun, 16 Mar 2008 6:59pm
trevor corey
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Swingin' Joe made the Devil do it. - Mon, 17 Mar 2008 3:27am
trevor corey
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m - Mon, 16 Jun 2008 3:32am
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For a second there, I thought you meant the cartoon strip. - Mon, 16 Jun 2008 10:27am
Nicholas Antoni Marek Gibas
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Wow a thread about peanuts. Oh geez you guys are reaching for the smartest topics ever. Whats next on your bullseye, those of lactose intolerance?

I have a cousin who could die if he was exposed to peanuts. I'd rather have my cool lil' cuz than be in a world of peanuts. - Mon, 16 Jun 2008 8:37pm
Mr. Hell
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Allergies are all in your head. - Tue, 17 Jun 2008 7:21am
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^ thats what my mom used to say (about my allergy-ridden friends). She also used to try that when I had the flu.
Yeah, she had some nutty ideas but the jury's still out on whether being raised like that has served me well or not. - Tue, 17 Jun 2008 12:50pm
trevor corey
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. - Tue, 17 Jun 2008 3:34pm
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I know someone who is allergic to peanuts, and she has two kids, she hasn't had them tested for the allergy, she just keeps them away from peanuts, and is totally crazy about the peanut thing, so her poor kids have not ever had the joy of reeses, or pb and j...fucking bitch...fuck off Ross you piece of - Mon, 30 Jun 2008 10:02am
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I'm not allergic to peanuts.. but i once had a peanut free granola bar and it was pretty damn good.. ... - Mon, 30 Jun 2008 10:10am
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My son's daycare is peanut free! Well I thought it was, until I sent him there with a nutella sandwich and I got in shit, it turns out it's a NUT free environment...fuck off...are you serious? First of all, peanut butter is one of the only sandwiches my little guy will eat, and they have already taken that away, now they are going to say he can't have hazelnut or almond butter...bite me! I asked them if he could just stay away from the kids that are allergic when he eats his lunch, and they told me there wasn't any allergic kids, it was just policy...hmmmmm.... a little ridiculous if you ask me! - Thu, 14 Aug 2008 12:16pm
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I am sure the parents of allergic kids would spazz if they found out the peanut free day care was allowing another kid nutella there.

I don't have a child, but I can understand them being weary... i guess they just have to follow the policy.. - Thu, 14 Aug 2008 1:55pm
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'First of all, peanut butter is one of the only sandwiches my little guy will eat'

Then you're not doing a very good job of introducing other foods into his diet. And how you can freak out about a peanut free environment for kids is beyond me. I'm sure you'd feel the same way if your son suddenly became sensitive to peanuts. Grow the fuck up and quite thinking the fucking world revolves around you. - Thu, 14 Aug 2008 2:32pm
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News Flash! the world does revolve around me, In my life!..and yes kids are picky...I have tried to give him many alternatives and they just come him in the lunch box...have I told you to go fuck yourself lateley CHOPPER? it's been a felt good... - Thu, 14 Aug 2008 4:02pm
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in all fairness; when its a "peanut free" environment, take it as that and have a little respect for those that are deathly allergic to nuts. A friend of mine was diagnosed with a serious allergy to nuts when he was about 14... and the doc simply told him that nuts WILL kill him; he's THAT allergic. Whether you think im spouting stories out of my ass; thats up to you. But if you think that a day-care trying to cover their asses from a law-suit because some parents are ignorant to the rest of the world is rediculous... give your head a shake. - Thu, 14 Aug 2008 4:45pm
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'I have tried to give him many alternatives and they just come him in the lunch box'

Oh yeah, you're trying real hard. 1 meal a day. You fail at well as failing at giving a shit about anyone else other than yourself. And people wonder why there's issues with the world. Self-centered idiots with not even basic common sense and parenting abilities. The future's looking awful great...

Why do I have a feeling you used to be a Best Babies client? - Thu, 14 Aug 2008 5:05pm
trevor corey
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Chopper's beard is listed on his organ donor card. - Fri, 15 Aug 2008 12:11pm
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just finished eating another peanut free granola bar, it was so good, woo!! - Mon, 25 Aug 2008 10:20am
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