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Some one put on punkshows!
Message Board > Music Chitchat - Heavy > Some one put on punkshows!
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I'm sick of being the only person putting on the show, someone rent a venue get some bands and let's thrash! Its such a drag not being able to get drunk and thrash when you gotta worry aboot setting up shit etc....


ps. why dont we have skin bands? we need some! - Sun, 26 Aug 2007 10:35pm
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You're not the only person putting on punk shows. You're the only person doing MANY all-ages punk shows at smaller venues with a small grouping of bands, aswell as some awesome out of towners, but not the only person putting on punk shows.

SHVI - Mon, 27 Aug 2007 10:00am
Reece oi
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no one comes to punk show anymore. they go to that alex kids shows with all the tawg and where infinity ends and it osunds like what we had in like the 80's becuase its new and sorta different but we need a way to get more people to come or its kinda useless setting up more shows cause we only play to other bands and the five other kids who show up

PS:does vancouver have a better scene? - Mon, 27 Aug 2007 12:35pm
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"it osunds like what we had in like the 80's "

I wasn't around then, but I still feel like someone should be laughing at this.

Punk's different now. Is it dead? No, it's different. Is it any less of a movement? Some would say, no, it's different now. Is it any more of a fashion? I would say yes, others would's different now.

Plenty of people go to punk shows now. Even very recently, WP's first show at Little Fernwood was packed, and other shows since then, larger crowds have been there. NNB puts on awesome events and while the numbers aren't HUGE, they're large enough the show that there is a hunger and a need for some that punk has to offer. The punk party at skafest sold out, and that show had a higher ticket price that many local punk shows. - Mon, 27 Aug 2007 12:53pm
Reece oi
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i went to little fernwood and it was awesome but most of those kids dont come anymore.

some of those people who went to ska fest are able to go into bars and see other band and might not be intrested in local band such as WP and The Fiends and ska fest is once a year.

NNB is not my thing i only go if WP is playing - Mon, 27 Aug 2007 1:13pm
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Yeah I went to NNB show on the 25th, and it was good, poor turn out though. But a show, nonetheless, that someone else did put on. Last night (the 26th) I went to the show that Heather put on at Big Fernwood, I missed the first band or so, but it was also a good show, very small turn out once again though. Other people are putting on shows, more people just need to come out to them, in order for them to continue!

Vancouver may or may not have a better scene, it certainly has a higher population, but I am sure it has many of the same problems that we have. In fact I went to an all ager there a year or so ago that turned into quite the scuffle with police, guns being drawn, and the fire dept showing up later. I am sure it is no better or worse, just different. I have been to all agers in Seattle, NYC and San Fran, and well everywhere is similar, and yet different, but everywhere suffers from alot of the same problems is my point. - Mon, 27 Aug 2007 6:50pm
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I wish more people came out to shows. it's seriously a problem. recruit some new blood, brainwash kids at your school or something. there are a lot of people who claim to be into punk music but "don't like shows" - which is completely hypocritical since shows are the essence of punk music. then again, they like my chemical romance, the misfits, KMFDM, and a bunch of image-based bands of different genres that all happen to be super well known... so maybe they're a lost cause. - Mon, 27 Aug 2007 10:12pm
Reece oi
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i was the opening band on sunday sweet

no one at my school likes punk and if they do its like sum 41 which isnt punk - Mon, 27 Aug 2007 11:46pm
ricky jak
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Yeah... what happened to All Agers? I counted 38 heads on sunday night... And some idiot brought his kids who freakin danced like a bunch of punks.... ahhh wait a minuit... that was me who brought my kids.
Lets face it there is alot more live music availiable now then thier was years back. Sunday night was promoted well but still only 38 people. Victoria All Agers?

Cordel just go get drunk because thats what happens in bars and minors don't get to see bands like Misfits, KMFDM.... who don't play All Age shows in Victoria. Cordel, there will be someone else to take your place.
Punk ain't dead I saw the opening band sunday night and it amazes me. That was punk... Maybe its just that the majority of teenagers are into something else these days (Hip Hop, Rap). But still its good to know there will always be some teenager who feels the power of punk music.

Thanks Heather for putting on the show... all the bands where great. Big Bads... ahhh female vocals are so good to hear in a male dominated music scene! Farrell Brothers seemed to have a slower pace from the last time i saw them, but hey these 78 rpm crooners have put alot of time and alot of miles across Canada spreading the maximum rock-a-billy. And the Valentines are Victorias answer. I will be picking up thier new CD this weekend... should be a gooder.

p.s. Why aren't there more stinky hippy bands to play with the skin bands? - Tue, 28 Aug 2007 2:18am
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OK all you high school kids whose friends aren't punk enough because they listen to Sum 41....

Your mission will be to get ONE of those mall punk kids to come out to a DIY all-ager each time. You will make some new friends and save the scene. Problem solved. - Tue, 28 Aug 2007 1:23pm
Reece oi
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lol ive tried they rip up the little posters - Tue, 28 Aug 2007 1:33pm
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yeah that's something that usually boggles my mind. when I went to highschool I'd try and bring out new blood. the usual reaction was that, despite all their punk imagery, they'd feel uncomfortable and not like the music. one time we got a kid into hardcore, then he somehow discovered Atreyu and decided he'd only go to Theset shows. I don't know how people can go to something like a show, something completely organized and performed by people with no corporate support, something very obviously full of energy and outside of the mainstream... and they can prefer the stadium shows and makeup and radio hits. ugh. - Tue, 28 Aug 2007 6:45pm
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because that shit sells. I'm sold. - Tue, 28 Aug 2007 9:52pm Edited: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 9:52pm
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I wish more people came out to shows. it's seriously a problem. recruit some new blood, brainwash kids at your school or something. there are a lot of people who claim to be into punk music but "don't like shows" - which is completely hypocritical since shows are the essence of punk music. then again, they like my chemical romance, the misfits, KMFDM, and a bunch of image-based bands of different genres that all happen to be super well known... so maybe they're a lost cause.


It's because they see all the scene kids eyeing them up for not fitting in and feel uncomfortable. People say hey you dont support punk but u say ur into it but then when they show up all they get is "WE DONT LIKE UR KIND" bullshit from everyone cause there's just always soemthing not to like about them. Maybe it's their clothes or maybe they're into sports or something. Now that's hypocritical.

They're just shy and nervous...when people give them the scene treatment it's kinda like fuck it. I bet a lot of the TAWG kids could get into the more thrashy punk shows, but are afraid to show up because people would just make fun of them for not being like everyone else. It's so highschool and anti-punk in the first place but hey i guess what punk is, usualy lies in the belief of the majority because they are who make it up, right.

-- Edit: I shouldn't say Everyone - Tue, 28 Aug 2007 11:55pm Edited: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 12:03am
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Yeah I remember well how unwelcoming a lot of shows were when I was a kid. There was a joke "No Docs = Nobody". It was funny because it was true. Sad to say it has always been true that punks are just as snobby as any other social group maybe even more so. Not as a rule but for instance I've been way more accepted in a hip-hop club as a dude with punk shirts, homemade haircut and bad tats than a guy in hip-hop gear would be at a punk show. Just saying.
I don't get to go to a lot of all agers because I'm on shift work, but I know a lot of standards of coolness don't change and maybe they should if punk rock and DIY want to move ahead. - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 1:45am
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i must say though, there are a lot of people who aren't like that. - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 6:52am Edited: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 6:52am
trevor corey
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lol trevor i thought we were buds. - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 4:31pm
trevor corey
User Info... got buds? - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 6:03pm
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No there are a lot of welcoming people in the scene for sure, but too many people do judge on criteria of how "underground" a person is and how much "scene cred" they have built up. - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 7:55pm
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not anymore man, i quit that shit. i just drink ands moke on the weekends if that and edge during the week.

lol we should put on a corny show where there r bands from each different scene and give out rainbow shirts and shit. i love it. - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 8:38pm
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I don't actually mind if no one talks with me, but I know most people are uncomfortable alone, so I usually try to make a little smalltalk.

Its true, if more musicians (& their friends!) took the time to be a bit more personable, it'd help with bringing out crowds. I'm seriously shocked at what serious dorks some of them (musicians) can be.

Reminds me of the conversation I came across in the girls' washroom a while ago, about what rockstar dickheads some of the Victoria guys are, haha! I said its probably shyness/poor social skills, but they all swore you were pricks.
oh well, mayhaps I am wrong. :) - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 9:44pm Edited: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 9:47pm
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the "punk scene" in victoria could be the biggest joke out there right now. there basically 3 punk scenes who refuse to play with eachother, cordels like..punk scene,conrads anarcho scene, and the hardcore scene. all 3 of those scenes are all very close minded people when it comes to shows..i dont give a shit if your straight edge or anarcho and just drunk, were all human, were all different, so stop hating eachother for being different. HArdcore guys stop talking about all ages shows and scene unity and quiet using violence as a way to threaten people ( big props to kenny for being the biggest dick in victoria!)come down to a cordel or conrad show.

all of us love fast music...there should jsut be punk shows...combining the 3 scenes would make for more bands, more diverse shows( instead of having the same shows over and over and over again)you could have a hardcore band or 2 a crust band and a sick punk band BUT NO YOU CHOOSE SIT IN YOUR COrNER WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND ARE TOO AFRIAD TO LEAVE YOUR CORner to see another show. you could create awarness of what other things are happening in punk that isint just part of your scene.

quit preaching during your all hate religon, but sounds alot like your telling people what to do when your on stage

fuck skins

and ps fuck fashion

is there any other band in vic who goes to all shows? i dont think
wp for life

we all want to have fun
quit making this little scenw such a shit hole

i probably made a bunch of writing mistakes but i dont care - Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:39am
Brian VIHC
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Actually Victoria's punk scene is one of the more integrated out there. There's a lot of crossover between subgenres and there are kids from each one going to each other's shows. This is a small town so it's inevitable, and what you're seeing is a pretty tiny amount of separation. If you were to check out shows in any other city, even Vancouver, they're far more distanced from each other. In a town like LA a "hardcore show" could mean one of a dozen different styles ranging from mosh-metal thugs beating each other up to mall-core eyeliner kids to fast thrash youth crew.
My two cents? The "random mix" shows are what ruined the punk scene here 10 years ago. I went to shows with a black-metal band playing with an emo band and an indie rock band that had keyboards. It was ludicrous. Once in a while that's OK but all the time it just killed all the energy because kids would come for one band and then leave. Or they wouldn't come at all because they didn't want to pay to see one band they liked. I like that there are shows with similar bands playing the bill so one week I can see a crust show and then the next week a skate punk show and then the week after that a hardcore show.
You guys have got it pretty good, I say enjoy it. - Thu, 30 Aug 2007 6:16pm
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Agreed. As much fun as it is to bitch and moan and feel like something is much more than it is. I've gone to all sorts of shows and have never felt that I've been shunned or anything. I've always felt welcome at any show I've been to. I've never seen anyone at a hardcore show use violence to get a point accros. I've seen violence at a hardcore show involving individuals bickering, but never have one of those sides taken the stand as representing the whole scene. - Thu, 30 Aug 2007 6:25pm
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Tyler Akis, I go to a ton of the cordell/etc shows and a bunch of the NNB shows. not everyone's views in the hardcore scene are represented by the bands that give speeches. just like how not everyone in the younger punk scene is a show-ruining drunk. haha. - Fri, 31 Aug 2007 12:29am
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how can you "preach" about unity, then bash every one for things like preaching?
Not every one likes the same things, if you don't want to hear an oppinionated band, then don't go to anarcho shows or HC shows, cause guess what I don't wanna hear a band sing about tits, beer and skateboarding, thats why I don't go to these shows.
and if you feel there is some thing missing in the scene, then set up your own shows and make them what you would like to see.

For the record I have constantly asked HC bands like No Holding Back and Breaking Point to play at many of my shows, as well I have also had bands like the switchblade vallentines play, the sweathogz, MBL, and even Wayne Powerman... I also seam to remeber the VIHC fest (first year) having bands like MBL play, then after, all those remarks against HC on the threads of live victoria... Why would people wanna get a band to play a show if they are going to mouth off to the scene after? - Fri, 31 Aug 2007 4:35pm
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ok for the record wp does not sing about tits, beer or skateboarding, we smoke pot and dont drink, were just fans of music who want to have fun at shows, i know i bitch a shit load and people probably dont like me cause i gotta a smart motuh and like to bother people...but like im not talking putting vincat on a bill with iskra( that is my ultimate goal for a show but i doubt that will happen) im sure if some hardcore guys actually heard wp or thrash madonna they might dig it but they dont give us a chance...i dont like saying unity cause its kind of a joke to gonna stop talking thou cause ill jsut get shut down not trying to be a dick im just saying my feeling..
and about violence being used by certain people to get a point across "if you guys are drinking here ill knock you out""get the fuck off that bumper or else"

direct threats, its such a joke, violence is sooooooo funny and unessesary annd that why i dont always welcome to hardcore shows, the hc peeps i have talked to all fine,troy xtytyx, johnny etc...some people who smoke cigarettes and have no hair and neck tattooes give your scene a little bit of a bad rep kind of like the punk for dirnking

once my income increases ill have a show
i hope people come
fuck the cops and smoke weed

NEW CYBORG JUSTICE LOGO - Fri, 31 Aug 2007 4:46pm
Reece oi
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that is one good logo tyler

DID you draw it? - Fri, 31 Aug 2007 6:01pm
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mbl is a different band now.

i think we're pretty good..but no1 asks us to do any shows.
i guess too hardcore for tawg and too pop for cyborg justice. lol. hence the name. Mind between the lines. ha ha. - Sat, 1 Sep 2007 3:11am
ricky jak
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Holy.... SHUT UP AND DANCE. - Sat, 1 Sep 2007 8:02am
Brian VIHC
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I really wish you guys would stop referring to yourselves as "WP" in message board posts, I keep reading it as "White Power". - Sat, 1 Sep 2007 10:03am
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fuck power and yah i did doodle it - Sat, 1 Sep 2007 10:23am
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oh god - Sat, 1 Sep 2007 11:52am
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This thread is really funny. Conrad pretty much summed up how I feel about you, Tyler, talking about how we should have these integrated shows. Do you remember after VIHC fest last year (the 2nd year actually, this year was the 3rd) on these message boards, everybody in MBL talked about how hardcore kids were elitest high school jocks, and they said they didn't want to play a hardcore show ever again. Maybe I'm lumping you in with people who I shouldn't be, but honestly, the hardcore scene's doing pretty fucking good right now. You get out there, hand out handbills, tell people you know, get some lesser known bands to play who bring their friends, who then get into it. Austin's show at Sunset room was packed. Graf Orlok was packed. I totally don't see this segregation you talk about, people just don't want to get bands that bitch and moan about the shows to play the shows, they'd rather get bands who are stoked to be there and have a good time.
On another note, violence. I think alot of people like Kenny take it upon themselves to prevent problems before they happen. I'm not saying I condone this, but shit gets broken and we're fucked. How many venues have we lost in the last year? James Bay is to shut off to everyone who's not Brian (everyone soon), Little Fernwood is out, Sunset Room was shut down for a long time, there's been sketchiness about Biggy Fernhood and Garry Oak (is that one shut down now too?). These people are doing what you want to do, fucking saving the scene. The punk rock shows won't stop because nobody cares, they'll stop happening because, people won't stop fucking shit up. - Sun, 2 Sep 2007 12:02am
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hey this is andrew from mbl. i play guitar and do vox. We had a different bassist at the time and he was the one insulting you guys at the show and over the internet. fuck, people think im a jock. I was outside playing basketball with the out of town bands that day for christs sake..

I have never attacked the hardcore shows to the best of my knowledge but i guess (no sarcasm) when you play shows with bands all the time u get the same reputation. Bad reps are a lot harder to get rid of than they are to gain. Oh well. Maybe after another year of playing and getting way better in that year people will give us another chance. if you heard us at the time of the hardcore fest and heard us now, we're a completely different band. give us a listen

I'm just sticking up for my band I dont really care if people dont give a shit. - Sun, 2 Sep 2007 4:17am Edited: Sun, 2 Sep 2007 4:28am
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go read it.. - Sun, 2 Sep 2007 4:34am
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Hey andrew I have asked MBL to play a couple shows lately, but you have had to turn down. I know you are way better than a year ago (funny how that happens...)
On the other hand even you stated some stuff in there, like "remind me that if we get offered HC shows in the future to turn them down", so... However yeah it was mainly Jeff who was bashing, and other kids from that scene, that are not nessasarilly in your band. Sorta like being offered the olive branch, and deciding to light it on fire.
However I think every one deserves anouther chance, and I will say that MBL has come a long ways.

As for all the kenny comments, I like kenny, I am glad he is at a show when I see him. I wish people that came to my shows would take it apon themselves to stop others from drinking there, instead they turn a blind eye. As well when people are drinking more problems happen, but also some people simply don't feel safe in that enviroment.
hell even when I was attacked at that one show almost no one did any thing to stop even that, most every one just stood and watched.

Kenny, if you read this, please come to my shows, I think what you do is great. - Sun, 2 Sep 2007 7:32pm
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violence and violent behaivor is such a joke. no human has the right to threaten others god damnit

and ps i dont drink at shows for fuck sakes...except the one show in january

grr everything i said is just pointless, i just wanted to see there be one big punk scene thats all im trying to say
and im not talking segregation for people im talking about bands different bands playing different shows

i go to pretty much every all ages show that happens hardcore,conradcore,corsmell drunk core..there all would just be cool to see parts of all the "scenes(teehee scen)" come together

i hope i dont get gooned at the next hardcore show
conrad im confused about why your saying violence is acceptable and yet isint peace like what all arachists are about (anarchy and peace,peace thorught anarchy,...the peace symbol on the creepcore logo, crass is down with peace, animal liberation is peacful, the symbol for music for non profit social change has doves on it)

i have nothing against you man if your getting that impression
violence in any form is for losers

peace - Sun, 2 Sep 2007 10:34pm Edited: Sun, 2 Sep 2007 10:41pm
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it was a sarcastic context... "i know now not to accept hc shows because our bassist will just insult them" thats pretty much what i said. i like some hardcore. i have 2 GB albums - Mon, 3 Sep 2007 12:32pm
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yeah sorry about that i was young and close minded, i'm pretty down with old hardcore and gorilla biscuits and enjoy watching break downs. - Mon, 3 Sep 2007 4:02pm
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I think there is too much hatin on kenny. Regardless of his tactics all he is trying to do is keep drinking away from the venues and make sure that nothing happens that might jepordize the shows and scene. Thats awsome in my mind, I wish people would take it apon themselves to stop drinking arround venues in this scene.
You look at the HC scene, I see 200 person shows, with tight bands that really take pride in thier music, a sober crowd that although it is predominantly over 19 is mixed age groups, and genders. Almost no problems seam to happen from my expierience, and when they do people pitch in to help. I see show after show always packed venues, every one sober, and caring about the music. I see bands getting payed and still having low door prices (often $6-$7).
Then we look at the punk scene... maybe 100 people turn out to a show, even though it is only $5, and 60 of them never even bother to go in and see the bands, they sit outside and drink and mouth off to any one who asked them to stop. almost no one helps out, outside of the organizers and bands, and a few close friends, and if some one dose not like a band they all go outside and drink. constant problems, hell I been physically attacked at 2 shows that I have put on, as well I was threatened many other times, I have had to drag people out of shows. Huge clean up after words, and I often loose money. The more non anarcho/crust or HC bands I get to play the more problems I seam to have with drinking... Hell the last 3 shows I set up were great examples, the rebel spell show had 40-60 people show up and a bunch drinking outside, where as the creosote show had 2 beer cans after the show that was it. You wonder why I don't wann let drunk bands play, these problems keep happening when I do because of the crowd they seam to bring. As well, when I have had bands that sing about drinking skateborading and such play I have had band members causing problems, bands showing up late, and without thier own equipment. Not always, but often. Also when I have drunk punks at shows they tend to be rude when some one in a band or a performer doing spoken word or such beguins to talk, yelling at them to shut up or mocking them. Fuck if you don't wanna here band talk then don't bother coming, cause there are other people who do.
So you might see now why I don't mind people like kenny, and why I don't want "punk" bands playing at anarcho shows so much any more. tell me what am I sopose to do.

ALSO I been wanting to say these are not so much Comrade's shows, NNB is a lot of people other than me. I may be the one posting on the forums but there are a few other people helping organize these shows who with out them I could not do what I do, and as well there are some people that have simply helped out (esspecailly from the HC scene) at some of my shows. so I wanna say thank you to all those people, so that others realize it is not just me.

Thanks to:

Chuck, who has done securrity, postering, and brought mics and cords to many shows. Chuck also lent me money to put on the Jello Biafra show....

Brian C., who has leant out his P.A. system so many times...

Cody, who has also lent his P.A. done sound and plays in Leper.

Wolf has helped in every aspect of setting up shows, postering, sound, set up tear down, housing bands, renting equipment, lending gear, and securrity.

Clayton, this guys has put money into the distro, helped run the distro, and lots of other stuff like helping clean up.

The Move House who helped house and feed people, as well as housing me from time to time, and all kind of other stuff like postering.

Austin from No Holding Back and the other members have helped out at shows with stopping drinking, cleaning up broken glass, and such.

Katie Joa, my good friend who has helped me set up and clean up many times, of course mainly when we were still dating...

Brian from Blood Nasty, one of the only people from the drunk punk scene that has ever stayed after a show to help clean up...

Dan Connors, who has leant me money to help with shit.
Kenny who I remeber helping with some problem kids at a show once.

Shaun, none of you know shawn but he helped out many times, even though he dosn't even like punk music.

Robert from Dark Horse Books, who has sold tickets for me and lent me money to put up for DD

Dennis Z, from Camas books, who has taught me a lot, helped with money for the Conflict show, and printed stuff off for free for me.

Jim H. Jim helped finnance many shows and was actually the person who encouraged me to do the first show I ever set up.

Pete (FNB) Pete also helped with some of the Joey Only shows and such, with securrity and other things.

Rayne who did door on so many shows, as well as Zeff and Laura, and Dale.

Cristy C. Road who gave me permission to use any of her artwork on posters as much as I want, also the bee hive colllective.

Joey Only who has played shows for free, and helped with sound and securrity.

Ira from absolute Underground for promotions, as well as Jenine Bancroft for promotions through the leftcoast news

Dane for not postering over my posters.

Fly for doing amazing spoken word at the halloween show well she was in town from New York

Max Sloan, for all his pooetry reading at various shows

I am also sure I missed at least one or two people who have helped out too.

These are all people, many of which are not from the "punk scene" who have helped me out a lot in what I do. With out thier help these shows would not have happened. Many of them I have to call and ask to come help out cause almost no one in the scene seams to... thats the problem. - Mon, 3 Sep 2007 4:48pm
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. - Mon, 3 Sep 2007 4:48pm Edited: Mon, 3 Sep 2007 4:52pm
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victoria ist krieg - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 11:30am
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How many people have copied, "Victoria ist krieg" from me from a thread a year ago, it's getting retarded.

Now you want to know why there are poor turnouts? It's because there is such a small underground here. Its obvious you're going to get poor turnouts when few people are punk enough to actually go to an underground show. The same goes for every other underground genre.

And I don't understand why you all are bitching, where I live now in Nanaimo we don't even have a scene. To be honest I haven't even really seen any metalheads or punks anywhere. So stop bitching. - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 1:49pm
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No. Bitch more. Bitch ist krieg? Your mom. - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 5:42pm
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You probably don't even know what that means shithead. - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 5:52pm
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Yeah! Gosh! Don't use that word! - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 6:38pm Edited: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 6:40pm
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I'ma shithead ^_^ - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 6:52pm
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it means victoria is war lol. geeeez. - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 7:18pm
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morgoth, victoria ist krieg is a song my band(cyborg justice) that we made as a joke to the crappy song/album by that black metal band who's name escapes me right now - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 10:11pm
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Here, idiots- - Wed, 5 Sep 2007 9:25pm
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Nargaroth - Black Metal Ist Krieg - Wed, 5 Sep 2007 9:27pm
User Info... - Thu, 6 Sep 2007 10:43am
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Nargaroth is a joke. Hence our using that as a song title.

"The Day Burzum Killed Mayhem" is an even more painful Nargaroth song title off that album, but it doesn't really apply quite as well. - Thu, 6 Sep 2007 10:46am
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He's not kidding. - Fri, 7 Sep 2007 12:34am
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Wow, big thrad and tyler

"we smoke pot and dont drink" thats such a lie haha, I've known bryce my whole life, he drinks ALOT.

but that really dosnt matter. I'd love to do shows with tons of other scenes, I love the hardcore scene I my not show it at all, but they have a great thing going. I wouldn't even mind putting on a show with connie, but thats impossible because it seems each band needs a list of critiria regardless of how they sound. It just kinda seems to mne that that scene should be writing books not playing punk rock....

I have gotten TONS of new blood out at our shows,some have stayed some have left. If we all attened all of the shows, stick together, not be a cocky asshole to the new kids we bring out then everything should be fine. As a matter of fact come out to AWT show I'm putting on and bring some bros! LETS MOSH! - Sun, 9 Sep 2007 1:11am
jordan f.
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lol at this thread - Sun, 9 Sep 2007 5:11pm
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as jordan just said

lol at this thread

but whatever..
as tyler pointed out im one of the few ppl he talks to at shows and i do go to most other shows (even non punk /fast music stuff ) haha..
but ya
back to how this started wasn';t that no shows are happenning and people should put some shows on..
well seems like a dry spell right now
we have what the AWT show coming up in oct?
i don't actualyl know what else is coming up
hopefully some more shows can pop up - Sun, 16 Sep 2007 5:23pm
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*pop* - Sun, 16 Sep 2007 9:49pm
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yeah but thats at sugar it dosnt count.

and yes..infact its me putting on the awt show, what a suprise haha

but its still gonna be good shit. gnarley - Tue, 2 Oct 2007 8:04am
Messages Posted:
im sure it'l count when ur of age - Tue, 2 Oct 2007 4:28pm
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I don't see anyone complaining that there are no metal shows. - Tue, 2 Oct 2007 10:21pm
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i am of age and i still don't think of bar punk shows as actual like punk shows.. like i do enjoy some indie bands and what not when i ahve to see them at the bar..
but still prefer an all ages setting / venue /time

sugar kind of sucks. - Wed, 3 Oct 2007 3:35pm
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