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New Dimmu Borgir video
Message Board > Music Chitchat - Heavy > New Dimmu Borgir video
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Lord Darkith
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I just couldn't resist posting this.. (so epic) - Tue, 3 Apr 2007 8:28pm
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It's decent I guess, I like progenies more. More satanic and more naked chicks in chains, but this will do. It took some time but the new album really grew on me, this song isn't that amazing though, but thats why it has a video. - Wed, 4 Apr 2007 12:14pm
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Dimmu is barely above CoF. - Wed, 4 Apr 2007 7:17pm
Nik Olaz
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Pinball black metal. - Wed, 4 Apr 2007 8:49pm
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Dimmu Borgir may very well be the funniest band ever. I feel bad for kind of liking them... - Thu, 5 Apr 2007 2:01pm
Nicholas Antoni Marek Gibas
Nicholas Antoni Marek Gibas
gibascore *at*
Messages Posted:

"I'm not certain I'd characterize the conversion of human beings from participants in the ongoing creation of communal arts to more passive consumers of artistic products manufactured by distant experts--even if these distant experts are really talented--as a good thing"

Cherry cola black metal. - Thu, 5 Apr 2007 2:37pm
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Reality TV black metal. - Thu, 5 Apr 2007 2:41pm Edited: Thu, 5 Apr 2007 2:41pm
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its like you guys are Hal from Shallow Hal, only instead of being shallow towards women you are shallow towards obviously awesome metal bands. What would Jack Black think?

swords are awesome. - Thu, 5 Apr 2007 2:44pm
Nik Olaz
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Campbells Soup Black Metal. - Thu, 5 Apr 2007 5:54pm
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For All Tid wasn't terrible, but DB is still pretty lame. - Thu, 5 Apr 2007 7:22pm
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Left Handed, Northern Hemisphere Melodic Blackened Brutal Symphonic Scandinavian descent Black Metal, I think people take categorizing and rating bands too seriously, I think these guys make some good fucking metal with a cool atmosphere. People are just too picky, especially with black metal. Oh well, I like music for music and don't even watch music videos. - Thu, 5 Apr 2007 11:49pm
Lord Darkith
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I think its more or less stupidity.

With For All Tid, Dimmu created an album that was majestic and unique, unlike any other black metal album at the time (it had some flaws though). Then came Stormblast and they created arguably the best BM album in existence, for there are no others with its beauty. So instead of continuing the same old black metal they decided to do something different on the next album and they did something different as well on the next. Yet of course since Dimmu just made their music instead of falling into the utterly retarded groups of generic satanic bathory clones and in doing that became popular (oh shit can't have a band being popular), this idiotic herd of black metal purists, hates what they release without even taking time to explore their discography.

And about the video. You see this was the video I always wanted to see. Instead of every other fucking metal video of a band standing around in a dark location, Dimmu did something artistic. I mean I always thought that having an epic medieval storyline and motion picture quality for these scenes would be cool but I guess it's "cheesy". And what they have cool effects as in blue lighting, smoke, snow and extremely artistic renditions of armor and organs? Why aren't you people congratulating them, they could have made another generic black metal video with wartime footage or crappy corpse paint. - Fri, 6 Apr 2007 12:25pm
Nik Olaz
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Toys R Us Black Metal. - Fri, 6 Apr 2007 1:15pm
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Black Metal in general is pretty much gay.

Corpse Paint is stupid.

Satan is just another diety made up by superstitious christians.

Acting all evil like some of the clowns in most black metal bands is retarded. Half those guys probably never even been in a school yard tussle and most of them would shit their pants if a real warrior from the past showed up on the scene with his sword.

That being said, Dummy Burger have a few ok songs but that doesnt prevent them and other BM bands I like from being quite over the top flambouyant. - Fri, 6 Apr 2007 1:20pm
I can't believe this thread.
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Lord Darkith
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I guess I shouldn't have expected an intelligent response from any metalhead in the Victoria area. Yes dipshit obviously Dimmu isn't the first to realize about the past and christianity, they just made a video about their interests, oh what a crime. Noting your vehement sarcasm, I never said new Dimmu was black metal in the first place, did I moron? - Fri, 6 Apr 2007 1:43pm
I can't believe this thread.
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But BRO I TOTALLY am dowN with YOUR metal KNOWLEDGE!!! PerhaPS you And I Should SLAM SOMe BEERS at LOGANZ sometime. - Fri, 6 Apr 2007 1:51pm
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There's only 2 types of music - stuff you like and stuff you don't. Same goes for People. - Fri, 6 Apr 2007 4:25pm
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The fact that you get so worked up when people make fun of bands you like doesn't really help you.

Just sayin' - Fri, 6 Apr 2007 7:14pm
Lord Darkith
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So your saying that everyone should just stand around without actually telling an opinion. If it's a band you actually love than what is wrong with defending your cause with reasonable points? Maybe you are too lazy and unmotivated to actually have an intelligent debate, why not just sit back and be like all the other sheep, cheapshotting a band by saying such great points like "Reality TV black metal".

And oh crap I guess defending a band doesn't help my 'internet profile' any, who gives a horse shit? If you stand for something, don't be a pussy and just sit back, support your cause.

Just saying' - Fri, 6 Apr 2007 8:24pm
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If anything black metal is getting a bad reputation from jackasses like this who take gimmicks and cliches too far, and make the whole thing fucking stupid. - Fri, 6 Apr 2007 8:43pm
Lord Darkith
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While your making no sense, can you try to explain what you meant? Are you saying that I am thinking that most bm bands are generic and try to trve kvlt each other, using the same topic satanism, or what are you trying to say here? - Fri, 6 Apr 2007 8:51pm
I can't believe this thread.
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DEFENd metAL to DEATH. RidE witH ROSS THE BOSS in ValhaLLa. - Fri, 6 Apr 2007 11:17pm
Nik Olaz
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It's just music, lighten up. I've seen Dimmu Borgir twice live opening for other acts. A year later I saw Inquisition live. I don't know if you've checked that band out but they were 100 times more black metal and more effective with their craft than having a professional music video and a giant organ system. I don't really take too much seriously, but if I'm going to listen to black metal, or anything in the vein of the genre, it has to actually reflect some sort of anti-commercial stance. It's cool that you like a band enough to defend it so dearly. If I was 17 again i'd be raging along with you.

Oh and before I forget, John Leguizamo in the Pest Black Metal - Fri, 6 Apr 2007 11:32pm
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I like Dimmu Borgir dude, don't fucking flip out at me. If you're going to listen black metal you have to learn to laugh at your favorite artists sometimes... Burzum is one of my favorite bands, but I'm not going to care (in fact I'll probably agree) if you say Varg Vikernes is a fucking terrible human being. Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia actually has some really good tracks, but you can't deny that their whole cheesy, over-produced, ludicrously orchestral quasi-black metal thing is at least a little bit much at times. - Fri, 6 Apr 2007 11:50pm
Lord Darkith
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I know its just music, but sometimes when music is your being you sort of feel like defending it? Still you know I agree about the whole anti-commercial stance as well, if your black metal it's a point to negate everything of so called society and that's what Dimmu did when they were black metal (For All Tid, Stormblast) It negated society since it was about pagan legends and was a pretty pure black metal version of anti-christianity themes, but you know.. the band changed. They went in a direction of symphonic metal and couldn't really be called Black metal and that's why I am a bit pissed off about all these accusations. I think since they are not black metal anymore its fine that they take an artistic direction with their videos. Cmon I didn't know a video of medieval times was really as cheesy as something like Operation Groundpound?

And Bryan I know what you mean and im not trying to flip out (however that is the only Dimmu album I do not have) but.. DCA was way over the top and too epic at times, yet it still was well done music. I mean the band was doing what they wanted to, so I dont know why I would want to judge them upon that. But most metal outside of black metal is highly produced and sometimes has tons of orchestration, so why couldn't they do it. It just seems the black metal tag has stuck with them even though they are doing something different nowadays. Even if they make a well done video just because they were black metal, people harass them constantly about their music evolution. - Sat, 7 Apr 2007 12:48am
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"Puritanical..." is one of the best albums written to date, in my humble opinion. Ranks up there (almost) with Carcass "Necroticism...". - Sat, 7 Apr 2007 9:45am
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@ lord Darkith
I meant retards like

"I can't believe this thread.
User Info... DEFENd metAL to DEATH. RidE witH ROSS THE BOSS in ValhaLLa. "

give black metal a bad reputation. - Sat, 7 Apr 2007 10:15am
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Just remember to get ALL of the corpse paint off after the show or your face will break out. - Sat, 7 Apr 2007 2:57pm
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HAHA! Good advice - Sat, 7 Apr 2007 3:18pm
I can't believe this thread.
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DuDE JuSt BEcause IM a BLacK metal WARrior DoESn'T meeN You caN makE FUN OF me, bro. i'LL ridE with ManOwaR aNd U wonT! - Sat, 7 Apr 2007 4:05pm
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Manowars not BM you fucking retard. - Sat, 7 Apr 2007 8:30pm
Aidan Logins
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I want to say that I don't really listen to black, dark, doom, or death metal. I'm into funk, jazz, IDM, rock, grunge, trip hop, and whatever else.

BUT I think Dimmu Borgir is one of the greatest bands of all time. I couldn't watch a whole video though, or live performance. They look so lame and cheesy. However, fuckin good tunage. ... Let chaos entwine on defenseless soil man. seriously. - Sat, 7 Apr 2007 11:39pm
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yeah fuck off "I can't believe this thread". Stop giving BM a bad name!

pfffft - Sun, 8 Apr 2007 2:06am
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Even though some of this is kinda funny, there really are enough dorks out there and this isn't helping.

This is why so many people don't want to invite discussion about what they do or are into. Having to tolerate people who may or may not mean to be assholes about ripping into your stuff can suck like nothing else. - Sun, 8 Apr 2007 3:13am
trevor corey
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I'd like to meet you someday - Sun, 8 Apr 2007 3:17am
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Hey, me too Trevor Corey! I'll come out to Vic for a show soon, for sure, and meet a few of you hopefully. - Sun, 8 Apr 2007 4:24am
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I agree, Sati every time I post a thread some jerk has to comment on my spelling or they way I write, I know that some of my posts have been controversial.....but they are true, and I have so many more stories about idiots in this city but I won't even bother anymore because people seem to get offended by what I write, when only the person I write about should be offended.The one about smoking near your kids sure stirred up some shit....I think people thaught I was insulting smokers in general...but if they actually read it!!! ....I hate being called stupid.....and that guy really pissed me off...i said some mean things after...i tried to delete them...but I couldn't!!!!
oopsie! - Sun, 8 Apr 2007 8:44am
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So now if somebody starts a thread about a band we aren't allowed to express our opinion on them unless it's an entirely positive one?

Ok then. - Sun, 8 Apr 2007 3:59pm
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Express your opinion on them, just don't be a jackass when you do it. - Sun, 8 Apr 2007 6:37pm
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"Yet of course since Dimmu just made their music instead of falling into the utterly retarded groups of generic satanic bathory clones and in doing that became popular (oh shit can't have a band being popular), this idiotic herd of black metal purists, hates what they release without even taking time to explore their discography.

Exactly man.

I think it's just stupid to put bands into a box and then expect them to be shaped like it. All bands have some kind of message they believe, to expect a certain stance would take the expression from music. It's really sad that people will put up a wall in appreciating a black metal band because they are not satanic enough, or misanthropic enough, or grim enough, like honestly, that kinda stuff reminds me of rap wiggers trying to have more bling than the other and be more "G", more "Gangster" than the next "Dogg". Oh well, ranting about all this changes nothing, not my loss. I will just keep appreciating music without preconceptions and expectations. - Sun, 8 Apr 2007 7:50pm
I can't believe this thread.
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I trY TO maKe PoSts N No One TAKEs me SerIOusLy Hailz. - Sun, 8 Apr 2007 9:11pm
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hailz - Mon, 9 Apr 2007 2:31am
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hahahaha "I cant believe THIS GUY" - Mon, 9 Apr 2007 2:33am Edited: Mon, 9 Apr 2007 2:41am
J. Peatman
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A typical metal video. The band performing live on a massive stage full of smoke in all theatrical splendour (including a ridiculous pipe organ contraption that looked between something from a Tim Burton movie and the Orgasmatron from Barbarella), mixed with short bursts of something that is remotely related to the bands' theme (or what record labels think is probably related to the bands' theme and would look cool to the kids at the same time).

The problem is the flashy, ultra-fast editing. It's all just a jumnble of short bursts of typical "Dark Ages" stuff; burning witches, frightened monks praying, battling crusaders. Someone mentioned something about a storyline, I didn't see evidence of one, because it was all just half-a-second impressions of...something medieval looking. Maybe I should have watched the whole video, but my brain was yearning for something more substantial.

I won't bother to go into the music -simple power chords vs massive orchestral keyboards fare- cause it's the same they've been doing for pretty much 10 years now. Simen is really wasting his talents here.

If you want to see it done right, there's only one video to watch, possible the Best Metal Music Video Ever; Bathory - One rode to Asa Bay - Mon, 9 Apr 2007 2:56pm
Lord Darkith
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Yes quite the "typical metal video", especially since there are NO medieval metal music videos. So you don't enjoy the countless hours that the band put into designing their unique instruments and costumes, well too bad, I guess your not condoling of effort but rather of being tr00. Typical dark age stuff? Well what else are you expecting an antichristian band having images of merlin blasting away knights flying through the air? Just because it isn't your vision of the middle ages doesn't mean it is bad..

Funny you should mention One Rode To Asa Bay, if you compare the two videos they are almost identical. One Rode To Asa Bay is just cut shots of cursaders christianizing pagan people and then cutting to Quorthon playing guitar while cheesy flames keep coming up from the ground, Sound fimiliar?? While I love that video, you can't argue that this video isn't as good, its practically the same kind of concept, except in a more interesting time (the medieval ages) and with better production.

As Dimmu would say: Your born with a brain, use it. - Tue, 10 Apr 2007 2:46pm
J. Peatman
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"Yes quite the "typical metal video", especially since there are NO medieval metal music videos."

Really, how many metal videos have you seen? I was also referring to the "band on a stage full of smoke"-idea.

"So you don't enjoy the countless hours that the band put into designing their unique instruments and costumes, well too bad, I guess your not condoling of effort but rather of being tr00."

Costume and designwise a blend of Emperor and Gwar, oh wow.

Especially that organ is just childish looking to me. Then again, one shouldn't usually look for a high level of maturity in black metal anyway. Even with such a budget.

And yeah, anyone in this city or on this board who knows me can confirm that safeguarding "trueness" is my top concern. Seriously man, stop moping about "satanic bathory clones" and "tr00" every time someone happens to have a opinion that's different from yours. But sure, guess away.

"Typical dark age stuff? Well what else are you expecting an antichristian band having images of merlin blasting away knights flying through the air? Just because it isn't your vision of the middle ages doesn't mean it is bad.."

Just that I would expect something more original from a seasoned band like that. Instead this whole video is just playing it very safe, like the majority of metal videos.

"Funny you should mention One Rode To Asa Bay, if you compare the two videos they are almost identical. One Rode To Asa Bay is just (...) and with better production."

Yep, that's why I said "If you want to see it done right". The difference is that the Bathory video tells a story in long broad strokes, the DB one leaves you guessing what exactly is going on because it's all stupidly short cuts. Seriously, it's like watching a Michael Bay movie.

Also, the Bathory video is from 1990, when such themes were still more or less original in metal (or at least acceptable), in addition to the visuals telling the same story as the song and its lyrics do.

No doubt, alot of effort went into the DB video but it's the editing that's killing it. It would have been easier to take it seriously if this song (which seems radically cut too, as Simen's spot seems very much out of place) and video would have taken the time for things. But alas, we don't live in a time of 7 - 10 minute original length music videos anymore. It's all about cramming too much crap in as little airtime as possible.

Oh yeah, the production sounds plastic to me. A smooth, compressed product that's easy to swallow. Nothing metal about it. But that's my personal opinion, as I probably prefer my satanic Bathory clones as tr00 as possible.

"As Dimmu would say: Your born with a brain, use it."

Hehe, the irony you just displayed there is touching. - Tue, 10 Apr 2007 4:43pm Edited: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 4:47pm
I can't believe this thread.
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... - Wed, 11 Apr 2007 1:10pm
Lord Darkith
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"Really, how many metal videos have you seen? I was also referring to the "band on a stage full of smoke"-idea."

I have seen quite the few metal videos to tell you the truth, unless you want me to list off all of them, I think you will have to settle with my word. So what, apparently its "horrible" to have smoke in metal music videos, I guess than we shall discredit the fact that they should take out snow, lighting and fog as well, I mean why not take out ALL OF THE EFFECTS. So I guess since Bathory used shooting fire that was cheesy as well, not to mention Venom using the exact same effects a decade earlier than One Rode To Asa Bay.

"Costume and designwise a blend of Emperor and Gwar, oh wow.

Especially that organ is just childish looking to me. Then again, one shouldn't usually look for a high level of maturity in black metal anyway. Even with such a budget.

And yeah, anyone in this city or on this board who knows me can confirm that safeguarding "trueness" is my top concern. Seriously man, stop moping about "satanic bathory clones" and "tr00" every time someone happens to have a opinion that's different from yours. But sure, guess away."

When did Emperor wear corpse paint and full body armor? I can remember the video to the loss and curse of reverance, Ihsahn wore shoulder blades and eyeliner.. so are you really trying to tell me that somehow since Dimmu is wearing full corpse paint and a full set of original medieval armor they are now "copying" Emperor? I guess I must discredit every band all over the world that wears armor, I mean I guess wearing armor no matter how originally done or different must now be copying another band, not to mention the fact that would mean Emperor would have copied other bands before them such as Knights of Relic.

And you really expect me to believe that Dimmu is copying a shock rock band with paper mached masks by wearing medieval armor and corpse paint?
Heres Dimmu:
Heres Gwar:

Yep so many striking similarities there.. *sigh*

And I think the organ is cool, instead of having a lame ass normal keyboard he decided to make something that lights up, looks cool, demonic etc. Shame for any artist making their instruments different and showing some artistry.

Yes judging by your four black metal bands and past threads such as lets bash a melodic death metal band (Arch Enemy) for having some fans, really makes you seem like the open-minded connosieur of different kinds of metal. Seriously, what do you expect me to think?

"Just that I would expect something more original from a seasoned band like that. Instead this whole video is just playing it very safe, like the majority of metal videos."

Like I said what were you expecting? The song was about a christian invasion in medieval times, bring conversion by the sword. Someone decides to go against it and delve into the dark arts? Do you expect that a band be such the imagination and writer as J.R.R Tolkien and somehow whip out a detailed epic plot of medieval times, for a 5 minute music video? I thought that the story was very well done and the video showed it nicely, sure no one shot spells or summoned dragons, but than again you'd be arguing it was cheesy than anyways (It always seems elitists like yourself find something to argue).

"Yep, that's why I said "If you want to see it done right". The difference is that the Bathory video tells a story in long broad strokes, the DB one leaves you guessing what exactly is going on because it's all stupidly short cuts. Seriously, it's like watching a Michael Bay movie.

Also, the Bathory video is from 1990, when such themes were still more or less original in metal (or at least acceptable), in addition to the visuals telling the same story as the song and its lyrics do.

No doubt, alot of effort went into the DB video but it's the editing that's killing it. It would have been easier to take it seriously if this song (which seems radically cut too, as Simen's spot seems very much out of place) and video would have taken the time for things. But alas, we don't live in a time of 7 - 10 minute original length music videos anymore. It's all about cramming too much crap in as little airtime as possible.

Oh yeah, the production sounds plastic to me. A smooth, compressed product that's easy to swallow. Nothing metal about it. But that's my personal opinion, as I probably prefer my satanic Bathory clones as tr00 as possible."

So long broad strokes? Now music videos have to be around 9 minutes long? I didn't know that a music video or any video for that matter was to show you EVER SINGLE THING that happens in a song or show you EVERYTHING. I guess that would kill the whole technique of leaving something to ones imagination now wouldn't it? However I guess the video has to be perfectly to your liking, if it isn't 9 minutes long or if it cuts scenes too fast than it must be horrible no matter the fact that people have different ways of liking something.

Wait a second? I didn't know that excluding Satyricons Dark Medieval Times or Abigors Invoke the Dark Age there was such an abundance of medieval themed metal? In fact you make it seem like there such thing as medieval black metal but really there are so few bands that have medieval themes that there could never be. Im guessing your saying "omgz like dimmu has music about the christianization of Europe". Well tough shit. Too bad Dimmu's viewpoint has been antireligious and preaching about the christianization since For All Tid, I guess though they must be generic, since they are making another video about it, I mean they MUST be copying Bathory scene for scene. And no shit we dont live in the time of 7-10 minute music videos, if I was an artist do you think I just would make a 10 minute music video and risk not having any of my fans see it because it wont get any play on any kind of media? Ya right, welcome to an audience, enjoy your stay.

I guess than all the highly produced metal albums must be shit. Children Of Bodom, Megadeth, Queensryche, Blind Guardian, Behemoth etc etc etc. Oh no instead of production that sounds like horse shit ala Darkthrone, a band decided to make something pleasing to the ear. I know your going to say "It sounds like plastic, it isn't pleasing blah blah blah". Well it doesn't sound plastic to me, it sounds well produced and to the other thousands of dimmu fans that also know other horribly produced bands such as Darkthrone, it sounds great to them. I guess we are all just mentally handicapped then eh?

"Hehe, the irony you just displayed there is touching"

Not really, you just showed how elitist and ignorant you truly are. Somehow you expect everyones art should cater to your taste and if a band does what they want, instead of following in a specific format, they are crap. I really couldn't give a shit that you don't enjoy highly produced artistic metal, then again I don't see you directing any music videos that blow Dimmu's out of the water.

And to ICBTT, stop trolling, no one gives a shit that instead of going for walks you must go on the internet and piss everyone off with such low intelligent bullshit. Just stop, please.. - Wed, 11 Apr 2007 8:30pm
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Says the newbie to the elder.

Hey, Mr. Peatman, remember what it was like when we were angry metal kids willing to argue our "metal point" until we were red in the face?
These days it's keyboards and message boards, but the spirit's still alive and well! - Wed, 11 Apr 2007 9:54pm
Lord Darkith
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Yup from your secret cosmic eye of doom you can penetrate into my mind and see all the bands i've ever listened to.

You know it would be great one day if someone could possibly contribute something remotely intelligent to a thread instead of bullshit commontalk or bantering. However I can only expect that your next reply will have nothing to do with Dimmu in the first place but will be a meaningless argument trying to contradict my statement. Well in any case, good day. - Wed, 11 Apr 2007 11:25pm
I can't believe this thread.
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BuT mR. PEAtmAn I LOVed U in FloosTerWOuD. - Wed, 11 Apr 2007 11:41pm
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you've gotta be fuckin' kidding me, i just wrote a reply that took 45 minutes, and it had some error and didn't going to bed... - Thu, 12 Apr 2007 5:53am
I can't believe this thread.
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When did Emperor wear corpse paint and full body armor?
When did Emperor wear corpse paint and full body armor?
When did Emperor wear corpse paint and full body armor?
When did Emperor wear corpse paint and full body armor?

Lolololol @ u!!!!!!! 15 - Fri, 13 Apr 2007 8:31am
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Holy, someone sure likes their music videos.

When did Emperor wear corpse paint and full body armor? - Fri, 13 Apr 2007 12:09pm
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I dont understand what the fuss is about, someone doesnt like the music video... I don't care for it, but if someone is stoked about it good for them. I'm sure alot of people hate some of my favorite stuff.

Oh well, in the end its good promotion for Dimmu. - Fri, 13 Apr 2007 12:12pm
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Here be Emperor in armour - Fri, 13 Apr 2007 6:35pm
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Hey, to Bryan, you must know by now that no one here "allows" or doesn't allow you to post what you want (within reason). I was just saying that on a site like this where we're all on here sharing the same space, the only way its going to work is if we remember that some people feel as strongly about what they're into as we do about what we're into. So like that other guy said, say it but don't be an asshole about it. And geez, the easiest thing is to just stay out of threads you think suck.

And Hatebreeder, the secret is control-A, control-C every so often as you type long posts. That way if you lose it, you just control-V to get it all back. - Fri, 13 Apr 2007 7:15pm Edited: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 7:16pm
Lord Darkith
User Info...
Even though I drank a bit too much JAger, you must bear with me oks

I may not be a cunning linguist but what I meant was that after In THe Nightside Eclipse, Emperor did not really used corpse paint in the first video (and any video after that) they did not use corpse paint or full armor, please take some notes...

Btw finalwar, your horrible attempt at defacing this thread proved invaluable. In the video which I pointed out in the first place, Emperor is wearing shoulder armor and tights, sweat pants and just basically dark clothing, nothing similiar to 'full armor'. Shoulder armor does not constitute full armor and in fact as you can see they are wearing eyeliner.

Thanks and good day. - Sat, 14 Apr 2007 1:25am Edited: Sat, 14 Apr 2007 2:28am
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Oh ok what you meant was AFTER In the Nightside Elipse, doh, now why didn't I figure that out that you meant that from the get-go. hahahaha - Sat, 14 Apr 2007 8:14am Edited: Sat, 14 Apr 2007 8:15am
J. Peatman
User Info...
ICBTT: Thank you! I think back upon my Fluisterwoud days with pride and joy. I mean...vehement hatred and warmongering nihilism!

Endeløs: Yes sir, I remember those days. I wasted many hours of my younger life and without making any difference in the end. I'm glad to see that there's a generation that carries on the torch. It's just too bad that the art of correct and fair interpretation of words has been lost on some bad apples. But I'll express my criticism to of those bad apples directly.

Lord Darkith: Remove the butt plug, open a window and breathe. Start actually reading what I submit. What you're doing is taking two words of mine and turning them into ten. Attributing extreme opinions to me that I have never remotely expressed. You avoid the point of whatever I have to say and instead blow everything out of proportion.

Your style is sensationalist slander. You generalize my opinions and personality in a mocking way without having any grounds for it. You know what? That makes you the elitist here, not me.

Although there's absolutely no point to it, I'll humor you and address certain replies you entered just to illustrate my point.



"When did Emperor wear corpse paint and full body armor? I can remember the video to the loss and curse of reverance, Ihsahn wore shoulder blades and eyeliner.."

I believe the corpse paint part has been taken care of by other people. Basically during the period that they were probably too Darkthrone sounding for you.


"And you really expect me to believe that Dimmu is copying (...) Yep so many striking similarities there.. *sigh*"

I expect you to recognize sarcasm. But that might come when you're a little older. You devoted two paragraphs to one little remark of mine and felt the need to look up examples, that's just a bit much. I was downplaying their originality. Not basing one bloody video of band A on the entire careers of band B and C into the mundane details.

But to annoy you, I included a picture of Old Man's Child back in '97, clad in shiny armor and such. Whose front man happens to play in DB nowadays. Go figure, right?


"Yes judging by your four black metal bands and past threads such as lets bash a melodic death metal band (Arch Enemy) for having some fans, really makes you seem like the open-minded connosieur of different kinds of metal. Seriously, what do you expect me to think?"

I expect you to simply think in general, which you seem to have trouble with. You're really taking huge leaps in judging me from what you see. Like I told you in that topic, that you're referring to:

---That's quite the rant for something I never claimed.

If you can find the brilliance, imagination and complexities within CoF's lyrics, then why do you fail to read my post correctly?---

And the same thing applies to this topic, it seems. I just hope you'll have an answer for me this time.

I could have easily jumped to the conclusion that because you have the name "Lord Darkith", you must be another pesky elite black metal kid with a bedroom full of musical projects. I didn't, cause I think what a person really has to say is more important. But you seem all to happy to jump right over my constructive criticism and paint me an elitist, declare that because I am an elitist I must think this and that way, only because you can't stand the fact that there's someone who has different opinions from yours.


"(It always seems elitists like yourself find something to argue)."

Which is my point exactly. It's just not clear what you keep finding to argue with.


"So long broad strokes? Now music videos have to be around 9 minutes long?"

Yeah, that was exactly what I said, wasn't it?


"Wait a second? I didn't know that excluding Satyricons Dark Medieval Times or Abigors Invoke the Dark Age there was such an abundance of medieval themed metal?"

Then, besides not having seen too many metal videos, you haven't heard too many black/viking/power metal albums either.


"In fact you make it seem like there such thing as medieval black metal but really there are so few bands that have medieval themes that there could never be."

I am confident that there are way more medieval themed BM bands out there than bands who write about National Socialism. Yet there is a specific genre for them.


"And no shit we dont live in the time of 7-10 minute music videos, if I was an artist do you think I just would make a 10 minute music video and risk not having any of my fans see it because it wont get any play on any kind of media?"

If I made a ten minute song that is ten minutes long for a reason, then I would make a video for it accordingly, because that's what real fans would want to see. No, I wouldn't cut it down and deliver a half ass product that's out of context just so that there would be a guarantee of more airplay. There's a thing called the artist's integrity. But I guess that is the elitist way to think.

But such decisions are hardly up to bands anymore, record labels have a big say in what to do to songs and videos in order to secure the best promotion possible. It's a shame really, because nowadays with Youtube and other unlimited bandwidth sharing web sites, running time really shouldn't be an issue anymore.

(I bet he's not going to respond to this one because it's too neutral and makes too much sense)


"I guess than all the highly produced metal albums must be shit. Children Of Bodom, Megadeth, Queensryche, Blind Guardian, Behemoth etc etc etc. Oh no instead (...bla bla bla...)"

You guess whatever you want man. But just stick to guessing, don't put words in my mouth like you just read a 10 page interview with me. Didn't I say "it me" and "But that's my personal opinion"?

Basically your whole rant and accusations against me could be translated to this:

Lord Darkith: "Check out that girl over there, she's fucking hot!"
J. Peatman: "Really? I don't find her too attractive. She'd look alot prettier with different make-up though"


"I guess we are all just mentally handicapped then eh?"

No, you weak p0ser sheep are all merely a thorn in the eye of us, the tr00 elitists. We will krvsh you hebrew skum.


" "Hehe, the irony you just displayed there is touching"

Not really, you just showed how elitist and ignorant you truly are. Somehow you expect everyones art should cater to your taste and if a band does what they want, instead of following in a specific format, they are crap."

You somehow missed the whole point of that remark and what it referred to, which makes it all the more ironic.


"I really couldn't give a shit that you don't enjoy highly produced artistic metal,"

You evidently give quite a shit cause you just can't stop going on about what an elitist blockhead I must be.


"then again I don't see you directing any music videos that blow Dimmu's out of the water."

No shit, would you? I don't think I could see you redo the Bathory video either. In fact I don't even see you top the Maniac Butcher video, but that's beside the point. You probably don't play the bagpipes, but I'm sure you could recognize some awfully bad bagpipe playing if you heard it. The point is that no one is going to get offended and demand that you do it better.


Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to crushing the weak poser herds. - Sat, 14 Apr 2007 3:29pm Edited: Sat, 14 Apr 2007 3:31pm
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well Peatman, I think you just took the words out of all of our mouths. - Sat, 14 Apr 2007 10:24pm
Lord Darkith
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Apparently even though I was hoping not to have to respond with another page-long response, I was reminded by messenger J Peatman of how I did not respond to his argument. Well here it is..

1. If you recall it seems we were comparing video aesthetics, now the only video I could think of here would be The Loss and Curse Of Reverance, which I already pointed out.

2. A side project does not have anything to do with a completely different band Dimmu Borgir.

3. a)CoF's lyrics are poetry not debates or linguistics.

b)No it just seems as though if you have four black metal projects, bash people on youtube for covering songs on their guitar and completely criticize dimmu for doing what they want to even though they have arguably already made two of the most unique true bm albums of all time, it kind of seems as though you might be a true black metaller.

4. It is very clear. The fact that I loved the video and so do countless others. I am just giving reasons as to why this video seems well done.

5. You did say that videos aren't good nowadays because they have to be cut. However that is just personal preference and in the end in no way decides wether Dimmus video is supposedly horrendous to One Rode To Asa Bay, it's just how metal videos run nowadays.

6. Fine then, list off the amazing amount of real "medieval metal" albums. These cannot be about flying dragons, vikings or dark forests, this means actual Medieval history here.. wether or not Celtic history coincided at the same time with Medieval history.

7. I am confident to say that real medieval metal is miniscule in comparison to Nationalist Socialist black metal. However if you can prove me wrong with a link i'd sure be glad. I did do a search though. NSBM:
Medieval "Rock": notice how the only thing close is rock music with a brief ode to satyricon.

8. Your post answers itself. This is just how videos are made nowadays and under a label like Nuclear Blast (dont tell me you wouldn't want to be on it), they would have no choice. And yes I did respond :P.

9.?? I dont know how to answer this. You didn't include any rebuttal or anything, more of how I can't look into your mind? Well fine.

10. Harsh words :(

11. Ok?

12. Well usually when someone says "I dont give a shit" it's more of a figure of speech. Oh well, I guess everything I say must be taken literally.

13. The point here is, it's hard to say such an impressive video was "horrible" and such if you haven't directed a video like this, at this scale. Well maybe you have, I dont know? Anyways, I am just saying that since you think that this video is generic crap that could have been better, have you researched what went into it, how it was filmed and the effort etc? It doesn't seem right to criticize this so harshly without doing so. - Wed, 25 Apr 2007 3:48pm
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I'm sure alot of work and effort went into the movie Battlefield Earth, that doesn't change the fact that its one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life. Do I have to direct it to be the one to say if its good or not? NO!

Also.... I thought this thread was over? - Wed, 25 Apr 2007 4:00pm
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People like hacking things down, especially on the internet. In fact, a staggering percentage of anything on this message board probably has at least 1 asshole ripping it down.

Some people have lost touch of what music really is and put themselves in a hole by disliking bands for small, insignificant reasons, often not even due to their music. This is not in defense or anything of Dimmu, go ahead, don't like them all you want. I personally think most of them are amazing musicians, the guitarists not so much, but maybe their musical goal was not to shred the most riffs per minute as possible, I dunno. Your sound gets big in a 6 member band, believe me, things need to be simplified. I think they are far more focused on the feel/atmosphere of their songs anyways, not that.

Everyone stop being dicks is all I can say, this is music we are talking about. Stop and think about that for a second. - Wed, 25 Apr 2007 4:07pm
I can't believe this thread.
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dUdEz REmEmBeR WhO StaRtEd TeH BLacK FLaMeS...HaILz teH LoRd Ov ChAoS & DeeStrUctIOn!!!1

NeWAiZ if U dONT liEk DimMu TahTz KewL beCauSe CraDLe OF fiLth is PRObabLY rIte Up ur ALLEY. - Fri, 27 Apr 2007 1:22pm
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fuck this ridiculous thread. here are some real metal videos!!!! - Mon, 30 Apr 2007 8:39pm
Nik Olaz
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Hahaha I love that Accept song. - Mon, 30 Apr 2007 8:53pm
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