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Dissection Founder Jon Nodtveidt is dead
Message Board > Music Chitchat - Heavy > Dissection Founder Jon Nodtveidt is dead
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Wow...well he sure lived (died) up to his beliefs I suppose...too bad his last album didn't live up to the caliber of "Storm of the Light's Bane" or "The Somberlain."

Aug. 19, 2006

Swedish heavy metal musician Jon Nodtveidt, 31, was found dead on Wednesday, August 16 at his apartment in Haumlsselby, a suburb of Stockholm. He shot himself in the head and was surrounded by lit candles, Expressen reports. Shortly before the ritual suicide, he had sent farewell letters to his father and his girlfriend and explained to a friend, "I'm going away for a long, long time. I'm going to Transylvania."

Sometime between Monday (Aug. 14) and Wednesday, Nodtveidt, vocalist and guitarist in the popular Swedish black metal band DISSECTION, chose to take his own life.

At 7:21 p.m. CET on Wednesday, a police patrol reported to the police communication center in Stockholm that a man had been found dead, the apparent victim of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. According to several of Expressen's sources, the singer had placed an open copy of "The Satanic Bible" in front of him before pulling the trigger.

"He shot himself in the head and lay dead in a ring of lit candles," says a police source.

At 5:44 p.m. on Wednesday, the police received a 911 call from Jon Nödtveidt's family who hadn't been able to establish contact with him for a couple of days.

"They were very concerned," says his legal representative and manager, Per Nordqvist. "His girlfriend and his family called after their fears that something terrible had happened had been bolstered."

The reason for their concern was a farewell letter that Jon Nodtveidt had sent to his girlfriend in Germany. His father, Anders Nodtveidt, had also received a postcard asking him to contact a number of people and thank them for everything.

"What it said is personal. I want to keep it to myself," Jon's father says of the postcard's contents.

"I met him in Stockholm just a week and a half ago. Everything seemed great then. I've always had good contact with Jon during his upbringing and throughout his adult life. I don't understand what has happened to make things turn out this way. This weighs even more heavily on us considering everything that has happened. This is very difficult for the entire family."

Jon Nodtveidt's father likes the photo in which his son wears a black leather jacket and has asked for that picture to be published.

"It's a good photo. Jon thought so as well," says Anders Nodtveidt.

The suicide is believed to have been planned for a long time.

"At the scene there was also a will and a suicide note," a police source tells Expressen.

In December 1997, Jon Nodtveidt was arrested for the murder of Josef Ben Meddaour and served seven years for accessory to murder and possession of an illegal firearm. The highly publicized murder in Gothenburg is depicted in the movie "Keillers Park". What has come to be known as "the Satanic murder" in Sweden has led to both a movie and a book.

"It affected me immensely," the movie's director, Susanna Edwards, tells Aftonbladet.

"Keillers Park", which is named after the park in Gothenburg where the murder took place, opened in theaters in Sweden in March 2006.

"Josef Ben Meddaour was a naive and open person with a big heart," says Edwards. "He was a victim of a grotesque act of homophobia."

The murder was also the basis for last year's "No Tears For Queers", a book about hate crimes by Swedish journalist and author Johan Hilton.

In 1997, at the time of the murder, Jon Nodtveidt explained that he lived in a world where Satan was God and that they drank blood and sacrificed animals. On DISSECTION's web site he revealed that he was a member of MLO — Misanthropic Luciferian Order.

On September 22, 2004, two weeks after his release from prison, Jon Nodtveidt talked to Expressen about the murder and his time in prison.

"I want to put the murder behind me and move forward," he told the newspaper. "It feels like I'm a new person after my time in prison. The time before the incarceration feels like another life. I've been through so much since. I've become more mature, older and look at life and death in a totally new way."

When asked about the crimes he was convicted of, Nodtveidt said, "No matter how you twist and turn it, it can't be undone. What happened happened and I must move forward with my life. I have taken responsibility for my actions by having served my time in prison. I'm not proud of the fact that I have to watch my mother cry, but I'm working with new strength and look ahead."

When asked if he regrets what happened, Nodtveidt said, "Out of respect to the victim's family, I don't want to discuss what happened. The only thing I want to say is that I'm not proud of it."

Josef Ben Meddaour was a 37-year-old Algerian homosexual man who was killed by a shotgun blast to the head and the back.

"I'm absolutely not a racist," Jon Nodtveidt told the newspaper. "There's nothing that makes me more sad and upset than people who say things like that. These are people who know nothing about me. Everyone who knows me knows that I have friends, brothers and sisters from all over the world."

"Jon was an open person who enjoyed life," explains his manager, Per Nordqvist, to Expressen. "He was easy to get along with and very accomodating. Still, what happened happened and that is something you always carry with you one way or another. All people have baggage."

Per Nordqvist tells Aftonbladet that the suicide of his friend has left him feeling totally empty and that it's terribly saddening.

"I've spent the last few years collecting the rights to his music," Nordqvist tells Aftonbladet. "Jon felt that he was losing everything during the time he was incarcerated."

Johan Hargeby at the Swedish distribution company Sound Pollution worked closely with Jon Nodtveidt for 15 years.

"I met him as late as Monday (Aug. 14) when he was here for a short meeting," Hargeby tells Expressen. "I am shocked and dismayed." - Sat, 19 Aug 2006 12:49pm
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man this so rough, today i bought Dissections first album HOLY SHIT it kicks ass, awome value too 2 cds only $15.99 - Sat, 19 Aug 2006 10:56pm
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I just don't understand the part where people are "shocked" and confused "what has happened to make things turn out this way". I guess insiders sometimes have a tougher time seeing the facts staring them in the face.
An interesting character for sure though. - Sun, 20 Aug 2006 12:20pm
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the the somberlain was brilliant. they were never posers -- pure stuff.


i hope he gets a proper viking send off.


respects - Sun, 20 Aug 2006 2:30pm Edited: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 2:31pm
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yeah I don't know why anyone is distraught over this at all. this was his plan all along, only backing up words with action. - Sun, 20 Aug 2006 5:18pm
Nik Olaz
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Totally fucking shitty though. I'll never be able to see Dissection now :( - Sun, 20 Aug 2006 5:19pm
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not distraught; black metal, it just goes that way. "Hier hinein?… Man sieht den Weg nicht…”

the liebestod or schoenberg

"Sehsucht erfüllt die Bezirke des Lebens"

pure fucking black metal - Sun, 20 Aug 2006 6:32pm Edited: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 6:34pm
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I can easily see distraught, just not surprised. There's loads of reasons to feel distraught when anyone dies, no matter if they hated & killed etc. He stood for something to a lot of people and tested and taught people in dramatic ways to really consider what life & death means to them. If it doesn't kill ya, it can intensify your life and make you grateful.
And even though people like him tend to profess having no conscience or regrets or hesitation, there's usually some kind of intense personal torment going on that maybe only the most sensitive can detect. That can be heartwrenching... so you watch just a little more closely. (Not to mention death in and of itself triggers loads of internal stuff not even to do with the person who died, but people tend to chalk it up to the deceased's passing anyway.)

Finally he played music.. music when its expressed well usually betrays far more than actions or words ever can. So yeah, now we've lost the tie to all that. - Sun, 20 Aug 2006 6:49pm Edited: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 6:53pm
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"...backing up words..."

"...backing actions..."

"...this was his plan all along..."


total art

total sonic war

speed thrash death

the blackmetal leitmotif

don't be distraught - Sun, 20 Aug 2006 8:35pm
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"there's usually some kind of intense personal torment going on that maybe only the most sensitive can detect"

I doubt this had anything to do with it ... he was devoutly Satanist/Luciferian and was involved in a particular ritual cult. clearly this was "ritual suicide" and not due to depression or anything. - Sun, 20 Aug 2006 9:02pm
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Fuck, whats most upsetting is I had no idea he was a homophobic murderer.

I don't see the Viking strength in Suicide or executing an unarmed non-combatant, with a gun no less. - Sun, 20 Aug 2006 10:17pm
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I was referring to how lived his life and the choices he made (hating & killing), not to why he off'd himself. - Sun, 20 Aug 2006 11:26pm
Messages Posted:

did you just use the word "homophobic"? it's a silly word.
it's a nonexistant concept. it's an hysteria building alarmist label. it's so fuckin pop american like the word "gay".

suicide is not a sign of weakness -- that's a judeo/christian concept -- it has always been a respected act of honour.

as for combat -- the war is/was/is in his music -- his life and art.

all the other stuff is tabloid.

this was not meant to be a dig at you, d_t_f -- just a clearification of the sitiation.

battle on with the horde - Mon, 21 Aug 2006 7:10am Edited: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 7:21am
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Anyone can make music, I judge by actions and his actions scream WEAKNESS. Iam old school, you kill an unarmed guy with a gun in a situation thats 2 on 1 and then rest on the fact that you put out 1 and a half good albums.

And yeah I used the term homophobic because it was the shortest way to get the point across, Iam not into filling up posts. - Mon, 21 Aug 2006 11:15am
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Who knows. Its pretty lame he sent a postcard to his dad telling him to thank everyone for him. I'd be pretty angered if I received something like that, they can't even thank everyone themselves before they pull the trigger.

And LORDPATCH, sensitive enough to use homophobic? I guess its a non existant concept? I guess dictionary is wrong and so with everyone else. To YOU its a non existant concept. Your views of suicide is not the same as everyone else, while some may think its a sign of weakness you've made your point that you think its not. Jon, wanting a proper "Viking send off" ?? haha

But I do think he got one of the ugliest tattoos I'd ever seen. Maybe I'd kill myself if I woke up with a tattoo like that on my face. - Mon, 21 Aug 2006 2:37pm Edited: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 2:42pm
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not anyone can make music. it takes skill and passion to order and disorder the compression and decompression of air -- to engage the emotions and thought. what i say again, it's the passion and total art (Gesamtkunstwerk) that matters. the rest is only the cult of personality. it has no matter in the art itself. blackmetal was/is a form of art that resounds the romantic and premodernist intensity of the work over the personal.

the "traditon and individual talent" as eliot would call it.

the work was all that mattered and in that the entirety of the individual emerges. i think that sati was more on point about the music being the extension of the person. in blackmetal -- the entirety of the collective or individual.

we must not confuse the actions of the individual with the out put and intension their art work. sometimes we may, as is the case of blackmetal, see the the art work as complete dedication to essence of thought and the complexity of emotions to the point where it consumes the individual -- self emolation -- what antonin artaud refered to as the theatre of hate.

this, i believe is the the totality of emotions and expressions exposed via art -- in this case excessive or extreme sound.

black metal attempted to acheive, in music itself, the madness and obsession of one focused assault -- the focus of the warrior or boxeer or expressionist painter engaged with a body, an opponant or canvas -- a scream caught in the moment of it's outburst -- and sustained.

so a complete mental and emotional preparedness was necassary in order to project this via sonics and the ubi sunt poetics of nordic and anglo saxon poetry.

a journey onto this realm of art or combat or comabt made art will drive one mad or burn one out. what f. scott fitzgerald feared when he discussed the lose of creativity ifone survives the ultamate breakdown -- he named this half life 'after the crackup'-- one can never recover the focus when one has been, what sylvia plath said of this moment in her life, 'stuck together with glue'. -- fitzgerald drank himself to death as hollywood hack and plaith committed suicide rather than become one -- and so, it appears, did jon.

as for your use of homophobic. it is not a word which means what people have been given it to mean -- just as anti-semetic does not mean a dislike of jews for arabs are semites, as well. homo means man in ancient greek. phobia is fear. and so this 1980's term tossed about the colleges and glossy gay mags of america makes no sense. for it is translated as fear of man. it has become a catch phrase or weighted term to confound and silence rational dialogue or oppositon.

the term heterosexual is an older term which is translated as the other - hetro and sex -- thus the other sex.

if one were to say that one had fear of male sexuality when it is expressed toward another male then the proper term would be homo male philia - love or desire -phobia -- homophiliaphobia -- not homophobia which would mean one fears males.

in many cultures, even to this day, and we are not speaking of the grossly overhyped "suicide bomber" which has been used as racist scre tactic to alienate muslims, to take one's one life is a sign of personal choice, control, innerstrength and honour -- this is found in british elite class (even within the modern period) to japanese and early roman and ancient greek life.

jon's death was the outcome of the intensity inwhich he lived his life in the genre of art he chose. it was the result of his engaging the theatre of hate -- the artist exposing his very life and emotions within a public forum -- the stage, the art gallery or sound/music until it has been drained or the life is extinguised.

he made this clear in his final statements.

burzum, musically brilliant that he is, is far more on the weak side for not seeing the results of his actions as a form of defeat and completion -- a form of inability to express the intensity via art. instead, he chose to use and reuse the raw emotion of that homocide to build and further his career -- very pop culture.

jon's life is written by schoenberg, i would say. he wonders about his life like someone at night in search of a lost love until they stumble over the body -- he chose to retake control of his life and end it -- music performed till death -- liebestod

"Sehsucht erfüllt die Bezirke des Lebens"

longsom, d_t_f

longsom - Mon, 21 Aug 2006 5:27pm Edited: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 5:30pm
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kill yourself anyway. - Tue, 22 May 2007 2:17pm
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I'm already dead - omg!

I sense a troll in this thread. - Tue, 22 May 2007 3:37pm
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...just another victim, KID!!! - Tue, 22 May 2007 4:28pm
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Reinkaos is a work of art, this is a sad loss. - Tue, 22 May 2007 6:49pm
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A troll, or a Nodtveidt fan-boy, sad at the loss of his hero? Digging up a thread that's 9 months old make me think it's the latter.

In any case, the tattooed face look doesn't work if you're an ex-heavy weight champion of the world, or a guitarist in a boring swedish death metal band. - Wed, 23 May 2007 4:31pm
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Spinvis? - Wed, 23 May 2007 7:18pm
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In response to Spinvis, who sensed a troll, directed at ivan, who has no sack. - Wed, 23 May 2007 10:07pm
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