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Omnisight, SQUAREWAVE, Lucid AfterLife, My Mother The Carjacker

Sat. March 11th 2017 The Astoria

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Event Info

Omnisight, SQUAREWAVE, Lucid AfterLife, My Mother The Carjacker

Buy tickets NOW at: http://theinvisibleorange.tunestub.com/event.cfm?cart&id=255...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Sat. March 11th 2017 + Add to Calendar The Astoria (No Minors)
9:00pm  Doors at: 9:00pm


Prog Metal from Vancouver BC
Lucid AfterLife
Metal/Hip Hop/Blues/Rock/Funk/Whatever We Want/ from Vancouver BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
My Mother The Carjacker
Danger Polka from Vancouver BC
On Hiatus

Event Description

Buy tickets NOW at: http://theinvisibleorange.tunestub.com/event.cfm?cart&id=255671
The Invisible Orange presents... A progressive/experimental/eclectic night with an all-rounded line-up

OmnisighT. Progressive melodic groove metal band from Vancouver BC. Album release party of "The Power of One"! Known for their formidable musicianship, virtuosic guitar solos and powerful songs, OmnisighT is masterfully blurring the lines between melodic hard rock and progressive metal.

[squarewave]. Experimental and improv noise/punk/prog/alt collection of musicians from Seattle and Portland. Featuring ex-members of The Thrown Ups, My Dad is Dead, Prisionshake and GEM.
Recorded by Jack Endino (Nirvana, Soundgarden, Mudhoney)

My Mother The Carjacker. Alt-jazz-punk, avant-grunge, funk'n'roll, danger polka band from Vancouver, Canada.

Lucid AfterLife
Lucid AfterLife creates an unbounded assortment of rock based orchestrations that touch the soul. With the unique ability to jam sensational improvisations in many diverse styles, no concert will ever be the same.

Saturday, March 11, 2017
At Astoria Hastings (769 East Hastings Street. Vancouver BC)
Doors 8:00pm
No minors
$10 / $12


The Astoria
769 E. Hastings St.
Restaurant / Cafe / Pub
Open / Operational

Event Poster

Omnisight, SQUAREWAVE, Lucid AfterLife, My Mother The Carjacker @ The Astoria Mar 11 2017 - Feb 7th @ The Astoria

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